
I have clients who are accused of committing sex crimes, of varying degrees, as juveniles (I represent juvenile offenders). Some of them involve incidents between family members. These kids are put on probation, required to go through sex offender-specific treatment, and forced to register as sex offenders. Unless I

Michelle Duggar said transgender people will assault girls in public restrooms. Meanwhile her own son assaulted her girls. The pair of balls that woman has to make accusations like that knowing she had her own predator at home, and he wasn’t gay or transgender, but she’s projecting those crimes onto innocent people.

I *almost* feel bad, given his upbringing. Then I remember he’s NEARLY 30 and has chosen to spew hate instead of developing an iota of empathy for other human beings. So I’m just fine with saying “Fuck you, Douchecanoe”.

I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life”.