
I bought the lady razor refills because I assumed that men's razor's wouldn't fit my razor. One day I decided to throw caution to the wind and buy the men's just to see, and lo and behold, they fit just fine. SO now I buy the men's refills and save a couple of bucks every time.

I'll add my voice to the corset chorus. If you wear those things long enough and tight enough, they can actually deform your abdominal cavity, and certainly they can make it hard to draw a deep breath. You get scared or startled or anything else that causes a need for more oxygen, but you can't get it because your

Do you really think that it's that much easier to get an abortion in Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Louisiana? Really?

I like to put cucumber slices and lemon slices in the water. Slightly complex, really refreshing, and it feels a little decadent, somehow. Perhaps because the first time I had it that way was at a spa.

It's not clear that it *is* harder now than before. Keep in mind that infant mortality used to be really high—it's quite possible that lots of women weren't able to feed their children adequate amounts of breast milk. Those babies would simply have been undernourished or died.

Same-sex marriage isn't recognized in North Dakota, but it's not a criminal offense. A religious official could perform a same-sex wedding ceremony without breaking any laws; the state just wouldn't recognize it. The marriage is legally recognized in NY. How could the paper possibly get in legal trouble by printing

But it's legal in the state in which they are getting married. Their marriage is not illegal, it's just not recognized by North Dakota. But wedding announcements are really a social thing; does the paper not think that it's readers might be interested to know that these two Fargo residents are getting married?

FWIW—I stopped getting my periods on BCP (not taking it continuously, they just got lighter and lighter and eventually stopped over the course of ten years) and had no trouble getting pregnant after discontinuing the Pill.

Ha. I took the Pill for ten years, and got pregnant within six months of going off of it.

I'm a government employee, and I assure you that I will lose my healthcare if I lose my job. And while my policy is pretty good, I pay a not-insubstantial share of the premium costs. I don't have anything to do with healthcare policy, indeed, I personally support single payer, but thanks for wanting to punish me

Actually, I'm American, and I use the terms "GP" and "one-off" all the time. That said, it's otherwise pretty clear that the poster was not American.

It's not just that poor women lack access to family planning resources. The attitude of many middle- and upper-class people is that having a child before you finish school/have a job/get married will make it harder for you to do those things. But if you're poor and don't think it's likely that you will go to

Ipecac? For real? Holy crap.

I found that medication didn't "cure" my depression, but it gave me the energy and ability to do the other stuff that helps — exercise, diet, activities I enjoy, other kinds of self-care — and that it made the lows less debilitating. In my experience, the drugs were definitely better than the depression. Not to

Men may be less likely to admit to or seek help for depression, but I don't think that means that they're any better at dealing with it. Hiding the fact of your depression doesn't mean that you've "pushed past it" or that it isn't affecting your work. Many very successful men (and women) struggle with depression,

If your "friends" are doing this, I think you need to reconsider your definition of "friend." Honestly, if someone I knew was doing this, I would probably not be friends with them anymore, because who wants to be friends with someone who is mean and petty and vindictive? But no one I am friends with does this,

Having owned a car and given it up when I moved to an urban area where having a car is more hassle than it's worth, I agree with this post, but I still keep my driver's license current. I like being able to drive if necessary—I've been the designated driver, rented cars when out of town, used Zipcar for suburban

An American friend of mine had an Israeli roommate in college, who once, as my friend was trying to politely request that some housekeeping duty needed done in a more timely manner, just said, "I am Israeli. You cannot offend me."

Practice. Seriously. You can't just learn the techniques and then expect to use them when you are actually under stress. My prenatal yoga classes used so-called "discomfort poses" to provide practice—you hold an uncomfortable position (we used dolphin, wall squats, and kneeling with your hips over your feet and