
My mom had a friend who slept with Michael Douglas in the 60s back when it was more taboo for a “proper young lady” to have one night stands, and apparently it was quite the scandal. I think she might have been under the impression that his intentions were a little more pure. I’m therefore inclined to believe just

Is there a petition we can sign to support this?

I will be so sad if it’s RDJ. He’s had his problems, but I hope pedophilia is not one of them. My money is on Charlie Sheen although the “family man” thing doesn’t fit as well.

Good to hear!

Not would not surprise me. I have never been a fan.

Tom Hanks was my thought too (I just have a hunch that nobody can possibly be that sincere), but I don’t think he would have been famous and powerful to have had much sway over the Coreys as far back as the 80s. Hanks was still hanging out with mermaids, wearing one red shoe and trying to shake off his Bosom Buddies

Not really. I was happy when my parents divorced. Less yelling and pretending to be a happy family.

With this, Paradise and the Bachelor, I love how Monday night is guilty pleasures night on ABC. They should package and sell their own wines for the occasion. Sadly, this was preempted in DC for a stupid Steelers/Redskins game, but I look forward to enjoying this tonight on Hulu.

I respect Weiner’s skills as a storyteller and her ability to write sooo many novels, but I think she has an inflated sense of her own importance as a writer. She’s a bestseller who writes high quality beach reads, but nonetheless, they’re still pretty fluffy. She’s hardly a Pulitzer contender. Yet.

Yes! I stole a notebook from the supply room at work, along with whatever tabs and stickers I could find. Laid out the next week for a test run.

You have the best job ever. How about bacon? Or is everyone tired of bacon by now? I know it’s suffered from overhype these past few years.

It is so bad I gave up for several years. Now I’m turning 40 soon and...well, ugh. That’s really all I can say.

I seem to have missed the lesson in school about how to stay organized and on top of your shit, so these journals are intriguing to me. I have tried many, many planners and to-do list schemes and I can’t seem to stick to one, but maybe this is the ticket. At the very least, it’s an excuse to stock up on cute pens.

Your list of advances was impressive and I agree with them all. To add to that, I’d like to see a built-in breathalyzer/rape whistle.

It’s rare that any of these dumb shows surprise me, but my jaw hit the floor when they made the Nick announcement last night. Makes sense considering the favorable edit he was getting on BIP—it was the comeback tour to test the waters for Nick as Bachelor. Like everyone else, I found him pretty odious during Andi’s

It could be. But I think I’ve been properly clever several times now and I’m still greyed. I mean, I’m paid to be clever for a living, so I don’t see why my cleverness isn’t enough here.

Holy crap, yes. I hate watched one recently and the budget for buying was over a million dollars and they kept on complaining about the dumbest shit. I have never seen such entitlement. What if instead of buying the perfect million dollar home, you buy a 900k home, still way more home than most Americans can afford,

I have a sink like the one in the photo and it’s awful. I don’t have a dishwasher because apartment buildings in DC are stingy with appliances unless you want to pay 1800 a month for a 400 sq/ft studio. I feel like I am always washing dishes. I have basically stopped cooking to compensate and eat a lot of PB&J/frozen

I’ve been reading Gawker and Jezebel forever. As long as I can remember, both sites have had a major presence in my work day as I seek out stimulation beyond the walls of my office and procrastinate on my work. For years, I was too intimidated to comment, and then I finally felt comfortable and was welcomed as a

I learned never to throw another again after the last one featured five salads and a couple half hearted desserts. My friends obviously hate potlucks so why bother?