Or what? 2015 gonna pull someone over bro? Fucking absurd. Dead kid and you’re still worried about pronouns. Go get fucked. You’re gross. Take your agenda elsewhere.
Or what? 2015 gonna pull someone over bro? Fucking absurd. Dead kid and you’re still worried about pronouns. Go get fucked. You’re gross. Take your agenda elsewhere.
A crazier statistic, is that black people, while making up only about 12% of the US population, have committed just over 50% of those murders. That is an epidemic.
No dude, local piece of trash Jeremy Stevens dropping two passes in the end zone while being wide open cost you that game, no matter what you and the rest of your trash, bush league fan base believe.
She should be vilified. She’s being a cunt, and that should be stopped at an early age.
That’s what I was wondering, and I had to scroll a lonnnnng way before I got to your comment, and yours is the first to point this out. Does this not seem completely ridiculous?
Because of all the hipsters that work at Gawker media.
World Champion Patriots, boykisser.
This is what you get for being involved with people who tried to besmirch the name of Glorious Tom Brady. This is only the first of many plagues.
I own a MacBook Air and consoles (currently running ps4 and wii u). Astoundingly, all of those things will work perfectly for like 7 more years with only minor software updates along the way. Every pc gamer I know has had massive issues over and over, along with being forced to update hardware every time a huge game…
Outing gay people for no reason is ugly for sure. So is deciding that someone is totally a rapist when they don’t actually exist. But that never stopped you guys at Gawker media. But don’t you dare call what you do reporting. You’re fucking bloggers, nothing more. Pretrial with the Hulkster starts today I believe. NYC…
I can’t wait to watch you people freak out when they only make 45 of these things. I wonder which one of you will pay 115$ for the owl?
Under the umbrella of gawker we used to be able too until they started outing gay guys for no reason and this blogger specifically deciding some guy at UVA was definitely totally a rapist...and then he didn't exist. I feel like they fucked up so many times the fun is gone now.
I mean...he's right about the media. Especially here. Remember when gawker media outed a gay guy a few weeks ago, then tried to call it journalism? Or even better, when you guys at Jezebel decided that guy from UVA was definitely, totally a rapist...because rolling stone said so. Remember when we found out the dude…
that’s a dude.
Funny how I repeatedly read on here that “the first brick was thrown by a woman named Marsha Johnson” there is NOTHING ANYWHERE that backs this claim up. Truthfully, the only person who has ever spoken of Ms. Johnson being at the riot was Ms. Johnson. I searched this over and over, and there is nothing conclusive at…
Yes you can. Because it’s a word. Nigger nigger nigger. See? Everything is fine.
I’m going with “she’s fucking ignorant.”
I was wondering why Ambrose was kinda laughing...I didn’t hear what Wyatt said. That dude had his shield gear on and everything!
So Chris, what you are telling me is that footballs are not taken out of a box and immediately put into use? The NFL and Deadspin have informed me that this is cheating, and should carry somewhere between a 4 game suspension and a lifetime ban.
Joe’s Maze! I made what I think is a fairly difficult maze...give it a shot.