
Please stay the fuck out of theaters if you have to have conversations during the movies, especially the ones that involve you yelling out 8 year old marvel plot lines.

Don't you even breathe this trash in the same sentence of the glory that was Chapelle Show.

But the cap has been around for 21. Trust me I wrestled with which one to choose.

Now playing

When Greg Campbell broke his leg, I initially thought he’d broken his arm or wrist, going by the way he came up.

If they made a show about guys talking to female game stop employees, I would watch the shit out of it. I guarantee it would be south park level funny.

You know why you’re not cool? Because you narc’d out the one kid who ever said you were.

You’re a fucking narc. That’s awful...he would have been the coolest kid in his class.

If you’re trolling you just hit a grand slam. If not you’re retarded.

The chances of someone getting bitten during tonight’s game just reduced dramatically.

Fan. After moving to Seattle I've been told it's a legit position with a retired #.

It shouldn’t reel that hard. The writer brought up not one, but two recent arguments about polarizing topics that have sure fire opinions on either side, but no true correct answer. I simply threw in another.

But John Elway was bred with a horse....those superbowls are under investigation. A team should not have to cheat to achieve success.

You are absolutely right. Our success comes mostly from having the greatest coach of all time, and the greatest quarterback of all time, on the same team, at the same time.


I can be sold on 10....no problem. The only factual argument I was making was about Tom Brady and his glorious right arm.

At least we don’t have car flags.

I had to go all the way with it.

Nine. Gold and white.

Thank you for that. I have no clue how I've never seen that but I just watched the whole thing with my jaw on the ground.