
I left Maine right before this moron got reelected. WTF happened? I thought we all agreed we wouldn’t let Aroostook County decide anymore elections after last time.

Thirsty magazine writers? Oh fuck right off...and stop pretending this website wasn’t just as bad as Rolling Stone. And that goes for the comment section as well. I hope you all had fun crucifying a guy that doesn’t even exist. Retards.

I’d actually be fine with basketball ties being broken by dunk contests, now that you mention it. Also completely down with the homerun derby idea. Beats the shit out of a 15 inning 2-1 game.

Be careful what you wish for.

Marky Mark...you forgot to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence...I'll let you find it :)

Because we’d have you arrested, that’s why. 😃

Typical Jezebel. This site is the worst.

Seems like this has happened quite a few times this year.

and YOU upset them by forgetting P!!!! crazy pansexuals.

Pretending to like? Some of us are life long fans. Some (like my girlfriend) took about 3 episodes of Raw before they got hooked. Look...some of us just like WWE. In fact...there’s more of us than you’d think. But you know...the 4 billion views on youtube last year, we kept watching those because we were pretending to

Apparently my first reply was deleted. This is not snark, Clover. Anyway, I repost:

THE First world problem, of all first world problems. Go tell some kid in Africa that hasn’t eaten in 3 days that you too know his pain, because you didn’t feel beautiful when you ate food. Or that you were too rich and you felt pressured by the fame of it all. See if you have any teeth left in your mouth afterwards.

Kotaku has that shit on lockdown.

Except that most of these guys are absolutely crazy gifted athletes, who do more for kids and charity than any other reality show I've ever seen. But keep talking down about wrestling. I'm sure your brilliant words will convince us fans to stop watching. You are so smart...and I respect you so much. Thank you for your

well I would hope so...but I can see Vince trying to save the money giving a camera guy a pep talk backstage.

"Shit?" Everyone involved with Monday Night Raw (down to the camera man, who can apparently sell an F-5) has more talent, and importance in life than you. At least they bring people joy. Look at that crowd...going CRAZY, having the time of their lives. This is actually probably closer to sports than whatever sports