Kārlis K.

This is why we need fully automated bikes. There are too many injuries and deaths due to people who are in control of bicycles. It’s dangerous to them and dangerous to others. No more humans in control of bikes.

Ok, only because this is an aircraft article on foxtrot alpha, and therefore this is too easy....

I read this article in less than 4 minutes.

This was a terribly written story that I’m pretty sure was terribly written on purpose for the clicks. Because “You know those games you didn’t buy on with Windows store? They suck less now” would get a lot less eyeballs.

“I’m just gonna tell you right now that you have no fucking clue how much time and effort and energy Tyler put into Foxtrot Alpha.”

It doesn’t matter what the kind of machinery is—it if flies, drives, floats, goes boom or does whatever, you have my attention. I’ll miss Tyler’s ability to look at the military world with a critical eye and go in depth on things I would otherwise never hear about.

It’s hard to understate how much we’ll miss Tyler. He’s not only clearly one of the most knowledgable, insightful, and smartest reporters we know, he’s also a great guy. When he first joined on he was one of the few people I could count on to help me out on weekends, and one of the few people I could go to with my

Honest answer? If we’re talking commercial aircraft in a military position, we’re talking freight haulers. Freight could be bombs, or equipment or people.. but its a move stuff from A to B plane.

In an effort to save weight, the entire aircraft is designed to only be strong enough for light G maneuvers with the payload

I’m sure I can speak for many of us that we will follow you wherever you go.

Haven't read the article yet, just glad to see you're alive Tyler! #tylerisfree!

Ok cool story but where is Tyler?

Hopefully vacation! Foxtrot Alpha is my favorite Gawker sub-blog

Is it wrong that I care only about the F/A-18?

This is a PROFOUNDLY stupid design for an unmanned VTOL aircraft. It’s complexity for the sake of complexity - not one tilting wing, but two, a turboshaft/electric drive system, and twenty four dinky little low efficiency (because they’re small, and there are so damn many of them) ducted fans.

no random picture dumps please

Why? It’s better to look at some interesting photos rather than overlong arguments with Putinbots that infest every FA article.

Your on an American Forum on an American website insulting every American.... Why bother? Dredging up bush and his failures is not new, clever, or insightful.

See? You’re doing it again.

I think that is what makes it cool, very old school test pilot style