
Unlike other digital downloads, nobody seem to offer a good comparison tool to quickly glance at the prices for different MP3 sellers. From what we'd heard, Amazon is supposed to be the cheapest place to buy MP3s, but our tests weren't as conclusive.

Having gotten hooked on Jetpack Joyride on the Vita of all things, I really want to try Daily Cool Running.

I suppose it's true that if you wear a mask all the time, you don't have to worry about your complexion. Just your sanity.

Suddenly The Homer doesn't look so odd anymore.

Fake violence, actual sexism.

I chose Android because I have a great T-Mobile plan in place thanks to a long gone promo, and because I wanted an actual physical keyboard.

That's what I was thinking. When the PSP came out I thought "that's kind of cool, but I'll wait and pick it up after the price drops" and then I did the same with the Vita.

I suspect I just don't like JRPGs.

Mostly an offhand dagger would be used for parrying.

At my high school, AP Chemistry was graded particularly harshly. You didn't get in without being smart, but half the class got Cs at best.

Getting an A in there should count for something a little extra than Dumb Jock Science 101 (Which of the following is a type of energy? A. Pizza, B. Your Mom, C. Dirt, D.

I've had laces wear out. I've had pretty much every other part of the shoe that is not an eyelet wear out. But never the eyelets.

I have never finished a JRPG. That includes Final Fantasy 7, back when I lived alone had about four games for my Playstation.

I've seen it called "simulator sickness" back during the 90s VR craze.

Good for him for sticking up for his beliefs, and Valve for giving him the refund.

Ignoring the content of the game entirely:

Same here. With most of my shirts/pants, they look a lot better untucked. (Of course, some shirts have better tails than others.) Unprofessional? Feh.

YouTube comments are the toxic waste of the Internet. I use a browser addon that automatically converts all comments to "herp derp" and it raised my enjoyment of YouTube by about 50%.

I am doubtful that there is one optimal type of exercise for all body types, fitness levels, and ages. They studied overweight 20 year olds — but the article was unspecific about how overweight, how active they were already, and so on. This same regimen might be a very bad idea for an obese 60 year old for instance.

I speculate that part of the benefit of meditation is just (A) relaxing and (B) breathing properly for a while. It's amazing how shallowly and generally poorly people breathe sometimes, and we're really good at ignoring physical tension when we're busy with something.

As a diabetic, I can attest that you can get quite a lot of blood from just a tiny nick on the side of a finger, and you're good to go pretty much right away.