
but i like the childish ooh look at this funny picture i found site :\ maybe its just me

i would wear this for sure anyone have $6,500

image fail (red naval orange)

being from florida i've grown up on oranges and tell you besides oj i cant stand a plain orange too bitter. red naval oranges are my favorite and clemtinas are awesome as well (a clementine hybrid super easy to peel and super sweet) just a florida boys opinion. but the best fruit ive ever had is a fuyu persimmon

Now playing

one step closer. now that we have the power source

What no glass back. because we all thought that was a good idea.....

LOL good question

as a lover of cubing i want this

why are android updates so complicated??

i can see giz being sued for publishing this

i didnt get any roll over minutes... :(

if they put a bigger screen they would have to give it higher res to make it as sharp duh

if thats the size of the next iphone i will scream in anger this is a terrible idea. android screens going bigger and the iphone smaller?? no bad idea. please for the love of god give us a larger screen with a higher res retina display.

if thats the size of the next iphone i will scream in anger this is a terrible idea. android screens going bigger and the iphone smaller?? no bad idea. please for the love of god give us a larger screen with a higher res retina display.

on 3gs instead of looking 3d the wallpaper shake when ever your hand shakes

thats awesome