
I'm really glad that this article points out that a.) the word has been around for decades (with this particular definition), and b.) its link to videogames/esports comes largely from the FGC. It always irks me when people think this is some sort of slang that twitch chat invented and that 'only [insert game they

I do hope they introduce a sharper penalty for queue dodging because the mode is quite fun otherwise. The strategy you can employ in champ select is really unique. Most people focus on giving their opponents 'bad' champions, but it's so much more interesting to give them bad team comps instead. You can give them 5

It seems silly now with how successful AC has been, but back in ~2006, the PoP series was hugely popular and met with great critical acclaim. (Warrior Within notwithstanding.) It's easy to see why Ubisoft would have wanted to attach such a successful brand to a new IP. Kind of ironic that that new IP turned into their

Looks like this is the place he bought judging from that tweet:

I really don't understand why this gets mocked. "Hey guys, a company created a game that has a huge competitive scene and continues to support it for years after release with new content and updates! How fucking ridiculous is that?!" There are no microtransactions like CS:GO or LoL and there's no subscription fee like

You said that being a horrible feeder doesn't matter, then immediately followed that with saying that the rest of the team's XP will be limited by a single poor player.

Apparently, you missed this part: "Yes MOBAs are team-based, but HotS takes it to such an extreme that it marginalizes any sense of personal achievement and enjoyment."

I love that you don't have to worry about gold, last hits, jungling, or buying crap from a shop in the middle of every damn game!

Filler as in fluff. As in wasted time. Not filler in the conventional anime sense of "we want to bleed this brand so much that we are literally fabricating entire story arcs to put into it." (Which is kinda depressing that such an interpretation even exists.) I'm talking about the exposition. The reiteration. The

One of the worst things about the anime (besides, y'know, the terrible writing) was how drawn out it was. Cutting out all the bullshit is EXACTLY what this series needed to have done to it. Nearly everyone I know stopped watching the series precisely because there was too much bullshit filler.

I feel like the real truth behind these numbers would be, "Only 5% of players continuously exhibit behavior horrible enough to get punished."

Uhm, no. First, there's always been a very vocal, anti-feminist minority of gamers. Anita Sarkeesian has been getting harassed for 2+ years now because, God forbid, she had a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund a series that challenges the status quo of gaming. Of course, that's not directly related to this issue

C'mon man. 'Rather good'? I've been reading Naruto for ~14ish years. I'd like to think I've been with this series more than the vast majority of people, but even I wouldn't call it 'good' per se. Mangas like Bleach, Naruto, etc. are like fast food. It's mostly garbage, but ultimately, you enjoy the taste. It's cheap,

It's also worth noting that yesterday/earlier today, he did a 'reunion' stream with his old teammates that pulled down over 6 million concurrent viewers between the 5 of them. That's more than most tv shows that networks pump millions of dollars into creating.

I disagree. The first time I heard the term 'friend-zone' many years ago and for a long time thereafter, it was definitely in the context of emotional manipulation. (Many years ago being the early 90s 20+ yrs ago. Not 'internet old' ~5 years or so.) Being in the 'friend zone' didn't mean, "I like this person, but they

I always found this a bit confusing. Because where do the boundaries begin/end? I know Fox has the rights to Xmen, yet . . . Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were in Winter Soldier . . . but Quicksilver was also in Days of Future Past. How the hell does that work? In all likelyhood, Deadpool will be produced by Fox, but

I have giant man hands and the DS4 isn't anywhere close to being 'too small' for them.

Lets be honest. You can only make 'person playing videogames' look so exciting. It's a PC-only, online-only, no-local-multiplayer game to boot. That means it has to involve a person. By themselves. At a computer. Having a multicultural group of friends sitting around the couch having fun like a Wii commercial wouldn't

It's $25k per SPLIT — an 11 week period consisting of 1/2 the competitive season (meaning it's $50k/yr if your team stays in both splits) — and Riot also helps pay for team houses as well as travel/visa expenses, meaning players have to spend very little of their funds on League-related bills.