
I’m in the submission process for TEDxAppalachia, but as you can imagine they are not terribly enthused.

Same here.

Note that caps are not Fallout 76’s premium currency.

We're counting on you, Commander.

1st step to survey those alien crash sites for alien tech...

Man, these grey comments about workers not being able to handle the content of a game they signed on to make, way to miss the point. Exposure to material like this effects the human psyche negatively, blanket statement, end of story. Even if the extent of that damage is desensitization and is largely not at a

Now all I need is a 3D printer and the file...

It’s very easy to cut the line outside (just dig). It’s rather hard to run another cable up to it, cut it, and install a splitter without anyone noticing you doing it.

Computer science 101? This has been the discussion since the name change beta was announced months ago. Sony essentially broke one of the most important rules of database design.

nope, we need more class specific items.. This is a basic staple of rpg games. want those weapons? then play those characters.

That reminds me of the Richards Gaywood case:

Dude that is an excellent missed opportunity for a good joke. Your exact comment, except the user name who made it should have been “w33dsmonker520"

Sources implies that I didn’t copy everything verbatim from somewhere and actually have a functional understanding of any of the words I used.

There’s a certain level of incompetence involved here where their systems were designed in such a way that the actual text name for someone’s account could be an issue. Most everyone uses some sort of hash or UID for storing this data and on the backend this is what would be used to identify a player and then their ID

Just so I understand, this is for people who made cringy usernames when they were teenagers, and don’t want to start over with a new account?

After playing both Destinies for far too long, it would take bungie at least 3 months to create a new weapon and it would either be OP or useless.

But — if there’s not an explicit agreement, can’t Bungie just say “Exclusives for everyone?”

Always wondered why Yoshi’s nose look so familiar..

Ever notice how Nintendo ignores the fact Mario capture Donkey Kong as a slave originally?