Wait so the Miata is Batman and the BRZ is Superman? I don’t know, they both seem like Robins to me.
Wait so the Miata is Batman and the BRZ is Superman? I don’t know, they both seem like Robins to me.
Meh. I’ve yet to see the payoff for that detail on her backstory. Much more interesting is her relationship with Eren, which they completely mangled as well.
About 20 years ago, I was working at a car rental agency in an airport when the stars of the WWF show that night came rolling in. Hogan, Roddy, Macho Man, Bigelow....Anyways, they don’t even break character when renting cars. Roddy was acting like he got the best car of the bunch, Macho didn’t like what I was giving…
2nd and 3rd gear: Yeah there is probably some marketing spin on these but I think there is some truth as well. They had such a big lead on fuel mileage that they didn’t feel much pressure to use turbos.
Frieza really got it the worst when Future Trunks showed up. I’ll never forget those limbs spinning in the air :P.
Holy shit, Chapter 1 fish~!
Ugh...If you go looking at Subaru forums for what oil to use, you’ll only come out hating humanity. “Don’t use anything but Rotella T6 or you’ll blow your engine for sure 100% certain absolutely never is there any other oil that’ll work without blowing your engine you don’t want to blow your engine do you, bro?!”
1. “What’s your favorite car?”
I drive a lifted 2003 Wrangler. The other day, a lady asked me if it gets good gas mileage and how much it costs to fill up. Really? You’re basing fuel economy on the size of the fuel tank? You think a guy that drives a lifted Wrangler has ever calculated its fuel economy?
“How fast does it go?”, ugh, somebody asked me this recently (I have a C6) and I just calmly replied, “It’s so fast that every time I floor the accelerator a wormhole forms then Matthew McConaughey suddenly appears in my passenger seat and starts sobbing uncontrollably.” There were no more questions.
From the Saiyan Saga up to the Frieza Saga, is by far the most engaging and polished. The character arcs are great, different characters with varied goals and agency.
Personally I think it should have ended after the Cell Saga since this should have ended the Goku era. Goku died and his son followed his footsteps. It would have been the perfect ending in my opinion
We never let him forget it all throughout high school. I don’t talk to the guy anymore, because he was a massive asshole (this kind of thing should have been a huge red flag), but for a long time whenever we brought new friends into the group it wasn’t long before they heard, “Hey, did you know this guy knocked…
That is absolutely amazing! I’m sorry your friend was a douche but holy shit if that’s not karma I don’t know what is.
I did not, as I’m not anywhere near that clever (and was actually shocked that he had freaked out over the game), but two of our friends yelled it out in unison as soon as he hit the floor. There was much laughter and high-fiving after that.
“...breaking his nose and knocking himself out cold.”
The worst/funniest rage quit I ever witnessed came from a guy I knew in high school who I’ll call Shane. I didn’t play many games back then, especially FPS games, but Shane loved them. Halo was one of his favorites, and after months of pestering me to try it I finally gave in. Big fucking mistake.
Almost perfect.
Read: The Gay Route
Klein route is the only acceptable route.