sound very "made up after the initial silence story" territory. Not a plan at all there.
sound very "made up after the initial silence story" territory. Not a plan at all there.
I noticed that games, specifically Japanese games, have been like this as well since the Final Fantasy 7 and Baldurs Gate era. The "specially" born main character with a destiny. Sometimes they are not he main character now like on Xenosaga.
you are wrong. It's "lets pick a star" ok the character is that race/gender.
yeah and they said it's going to cost $15,000
i find most of these people don't even know what they are complaining about and are just repeating memes from top gear
Yes TR8 is amazingly awesome. It's sad the car is mostly unknown considering how good it is. It was made after the Nissan Z cars lost their way and it was a far better "z" than the 280zx was. Especially since it was a carb upgrade away from near 200hp on a car that light.
TR7 is made unattractive simply because you can get a TR8 which has more power, potential, far more reliability, and is a much better car overall. Even than the TR6.
TR8 is a much better car than TR7 in terms of reliability.
they can be good with buick 3800 as well, another common swap
get aw11 mr2 instead, much easier to own
Fiat X1/9 with a turbo setup is amazing, but would rather do AW11 4agte.
TR8 isn't like that, relatively good car no worse than american except it's light and can handle.
TR8 is good, TR7 is not
cool, almost none of these are malaise. When the SVO was out it made as much real horsepower (or more) than a 1960s 302. Event he 1985+ 302 made as much or more power depending on the year.
i dont get this thumbing up your nose at a potentially good car like some kind of an elitist asshat. fuck off, fag
whiny whiny whiny whiny whiny white man
because the global can be viewed from any direction from space maybe?
video or it didn't happen
thank you, tired of these egotistical internet dumbfucks and their basement nerd whiney meme images.
Can you people fuck off with this asinine shit? Fuck right off now little boy.