
It was the opposite for me. I woke up to a pool of blood and had no prior spotting.

Persona 5 can wait.

People who disagree with you obviously forgot that Bioware was founded by two medical doctors.

"they would simply go for some niche artists from States."

Every SMT game has been a grind fest. Not necessarily a bad thing though.

Soo... what happened to Kotaku Melody? I miss it.

Same here! All the guys I've dated never washed their dishes right away so I was either stuck hearing them complain about not wanting to do it after there's a huge moldy pile of it, or end up having to do them myself.

This. I'm currently on my 4th playthrough!

Game with pigs as the main enemy? Tomba! of course.

When reading comments like these, I sometimes feel like the odd one out. I've never had a UTI or a yeast infection in my life. I do have a recurring problem with having to frequently urinate despite the amount of liquids I consume though. I wonder if that prevents UTIs?

Jumping spiders! I love them so much.

Make it double.

Because she looks like Edge Maverick?

When you're reading a copious amount of text, such as a book or a video game with a lot of written dialogue, a serif font is easier to read.

You mom needs to get laid- Wait, wasn't Madeline/Magdalene your girlfriend?

Hmm, I wonder if it's the same cause. Mine is a big gaping crater, so it's the opposite of a boob.

I've seen those in real life.

My ribs are misshapen and they totally bother me! The ribs on my right side and much smaller/shorter than my left and stick out in funky ways. I've always wondered if I was born with a defect or had been punched in the stomach when I was a baby.

Was going to submit a Just Cause 2 sunset as well! They're incredible.

Seeing that sunset gave me the chills. I've had apocalyptic dreams for the next few weeks onwards.