
People who "do it for free" take years before it ever sees the light of day, if ever. I suppose you've never worked in the gaming industry, because it does take up about half a year of more to translate a game and several employees in translating, editing, coding, testing, publishing, marketing, etc. All that costs

I'm probably the only one here to say this but... I think Nobuo Uematsu is a bit overrated. I don't particularly like his style. It's heavy on the simple melodies and that leads to feeling a bit shallow. He himself admitted he had trouble composing for the Last Story because they wanted more ambient music while he was

I got Mew in somewhere between 1999-2000 by standing at a shopping mall and inserting my cart into a machine. But the machine was broken so we had to go back another day for a rain check.

Don't worry, they built in a safety system where the batteries die out before it does any harm.

Gawker, Gizmodo, etc. They're all pretty cringe-worthy. Even Jezebel has me facepalming sometimes.

Some people have mentioned male characters being sexually assaulted/raped in Fear 2 and Alan Wake, so yes, they do exist.

After months of being unemployed, I have concluded my perfect sleep schedule is 3:30 am to 11 am. I now started working 9-5 shifts, and I feel miserable. I have never been able to sleep before midnight since grade school, so you can imagine my high school years and work days have been completely sleep-deprived and

Kotaku has proven once again that I am actually secretly a guy. Apparently I'm also a sexually retarded undersexed guy for liking Bayonetta in some comment in an article yesterday. I blend in perfectly and effortlessly.

I was wondering... Where does one get materials for those feathers? From real Chocobos?!

Even though I'm a straight woman, I guess I'm also a sexually retarded undersexed man because I found Bayonetta hot. But I'm cool with that.

They don't?! I used to like their Thai one, but it was kinda pricey for the size.

I remember paying $59.99 for newly released PS1 games. Weren't SNES games also $50-60 at launch?

I use this with my black Wii.

Tales of Phantasia (+Narikiri Dungeon 1 and Summoner's Lineage as sequels) and Destiny 1-2 were my favorites, but I also enjoyed, Legendia and Graces. You should try them.

Dat tie. He's channeling Hope Estheim, and I like it.

Now playing

I used to think Motoi Sakuraba was a one-trick pony, until I played Resonance of Fate. I believe he is capable of stepping beyond his usual style. Unfortunately, the Tales series prevents this kind of innovation.

It was a challenge and required a tiny bit of grinding, but I beat it and it was worth it. Also beat the optional dungeon as well, which added a bit of story.

Personally, Xenoblade bored me after 2 hours. Resonance of Fate, on the other hand, kept me pulled in and spent a good 100+hours on my save file. To each their own.

And having barrels point in every direction.

I fell asleep during the tutorial of Xenosaga, and I haven't picked it up since.