
"Experts" love playing the blame game. There's no better thing to point your finger at than something that most people don't have much knowledge about. Unfortunately in this case, anime. :(

That guy's mandarin sucks.

Great. Now we'll have to wait 6 times longer for games to actually come out.

What Alexis said! I often grab cards at 10-20% off. It's also great that you never have leftover points! I have 200 MS points sitting on XBL that I can't spend anywhere. :(

I don't exactly understand your concern. PSN sells prepaid cards at brick and mortar retail locations.

I'm sorry... but that looks more like a vagina than anything.

That picture of San is absolutely gorgeous.

I gave up on piano too. Now I completely regret that decision.

No one knows because domestic media does not report on matters that would tarnish the image of their own country.

Although I'm excited for Street Fighter x Tekken, I think I'll wait for Super Ultimate Street Fighter x Tekken @ 39.99. :)

Gizmodo... Please stop posting BGR's crap... Their sources are completely unreliable!

Tyrion Lannister approves this post. :)

What about Kiss on my List?

Hold your horses... It's coming out in Super Ultimate MVC 3.

Killing RIM eh? A little dramatic don't you think?

This isn't really competition. Since Apple has not yet joined the console war, I don't believe they have the justification to ban the app.

Now that's stamina!

We have these in the west too! I just got a box of socks from RIM a few months back. :)

I say BS.

Hope they put this piece of sh*t down without anyone getting hurt. I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt others... especially those who have worked hard to get to post secondary education.