
April fools day is the absolute worst. I hate it. I know I’m not alone, so why do these idiotic trends continue?

It would be nice if learned to write without using profanities. You sound like a grade school kid who’s just learning to swear.

I’m still mourning for Google Reader. After trying Feedly, The Old Reader, and Inoreader, I’m currently settled on Inoreader as it allows the most number of feeds (hopefully I don’t get jinxed like my previous experience with The Old Reader) not to mention the Android app is quite neat.

Its a minor concern. I want to see facebook die. And it will. The tech behind facebook is not aging well. They’ve made up for it by backing it with massive amounts of processing, but it is a pile of cheese on the barn floor - its already rotting and getting chewed apart by time. Soon it will be like Geocities - where

...I see the film will be about as subtle as a brick to the head.

First of all what the fuck is this and why is it on my Gizmodo? You should all be ashamed of the political dumping ground this blog (and Deadspin and Jalopnik) has become post-Gawker.

That’s interesting, because the most recent reviews on Amazon are NOT good (one-stars, several of them). I’m not sure whom to believe.

That’s interesting, because the most recent reviews on Amazon are NOT good (one-stars, several of them). I’m not

Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”- Genesis 6:3

I don't doubt this, given Apple makes most of it's money off of using other peoples good ideas and somehow gets praised for it. Hate the iphone and all of it's nonsense. Android, where you can play emulators of awesome games without having to mess with the software!

The 2007 apple fiasco was also fixed by apple adding that their batteries in the laptops are only intended to last 1 year. Seriously, I took my Macbook in for an expanded battery a few years back and was told that was ‘expected’ and the battery expands and destroys your laptop to keep from lighting on fire and its my

Bunch of sinners.

Even accepting that premise (Which, for the record, I vehemently don’t)...

This is the stupidest article ever. The only point you made to actually get rid of the jack is to save space. But, it fit just fine on the last iphone of the same dimensions, and every other phone on the planet. Its not like they replaced it with a second lightning port, which would actually be useful to charge and

“Plus, the headphone jack only sends information one way: from power source to speaker.”

That’s undeniably wrong and proven by one simple fact: Microphone and volume control buttons. They send signal back to the phone. Since you’re lying on this small detail, what tells me you’re not lying on the rest of your article?

What a load of BS in this article.

Damn Penny Arcade just, isnt funny.

I always hated when people bag on Penny Arcade but I gotta be honest, it’s become increasingly difficult for me to find the humor in its writing.

What did you do to the moon! like 80% of it is gone! WHY CAN I SEE THE STARS THROUGH IT!