
Of course I knew you were joking. But I'm serious.


Nice try trying to convince me to get vaccinated. I'm still not putting shit and poison into my body.

After failing to find a good HD upload of a TV series on TPB, I attempted to buy it from "legitimate distributors" for the first time. After shopping around the major digital distributors, I was shocked and disappointed at how convoluted and inconvenient everything was.

Strange - I don't particularly like China, but their "No" list fits me to a 'T'. Pretty much every game in there I dislike either because I don't like the genre, or I've played games in its series and didn't enjoy it.

Clarification: I'm not applauding the fact that a man was trampled. I'm applauding in response to everything else I read.

No video game made or published by a corporation will ever be truly free.

Yeah? I have 201 Steam games.

Ehh, it looks like Bionicles.

Yes! This is one of my all-time favorites. I was just talking about it the other day. I was watching this one since I was 1 year old, up until it stopped airing.

I'm with you 100% on this. I was a beta tester, and after several sessions of play, I don't see what's so great about it. Why is everyone praising this game? Most overrated MMO ever.

Agh! No, why!? You reminded me of that game!

But this doesn't solve anything! What is does is merely covers up the problem, or delays the inevitable.

I would have too, but fortunately I have mobile internet and games. :D

Certainly a nice advancement in technology. But can it survive the inevitable nuclear holocaust? I think not.

Holy crap man. I just spent a month in bed, because I was down with some nasty sickness. Even then, I got up occasionally to you know, go pee and stuff.

Yes, very simple. Don't get a PS4 in the first place. Fixed!

Stupid Sega. Stop wasting your goddamn time duping people with restaurants and give me Phantasy Star Online 2!

You know what I would do? I would grab a BB or paint gun and use them as target practice. From a hedge, or course.