Oh, yes. If I were to get a 3DS, this would be the one. Hoping for a US release!
Oh, yes. If I were to get a 3DS, this would be the one. Hoping for a US release!
It's such a shame - he had so many more years ahead of him. I will get the new iPhone 4S (or newer) as my first phone, in memory of him.
Why are the system requirements so outrageous for such a simple (graphics-wise) game? I'm really starting to get sick and tired of developers coding games so inefficiently that it takes a monster (relative to the simplicity of the game) to run them.
I smell a Nielsen survey.
Every time I search for something "Elder Scrolls" related, I use "Morrowind" and "Oblivion". I have never used "Elder Scrolls" once in my search queries.
Now that I look back, I did my fair share of shoplifting back then too. I didn't swipe anything serious though, just Pokemon cards and such... My sisters were crazy though, they practically looted manga from Kinokuniya (Japanese bookstore). They were caught, and blacklisted.
*Sigh* I miss the days of FF VI and VII. It's never been the same since X.
Game throttling? Blasphemy!
Heh. This is actually funny. I've mastered keyboard shortcuts ages ago.
Make sure your house is well-lit. Don't put your bed against the wall. If you do, make sure your wall is at least two blocks thick. Don't sleep near a spawner.
Right, I completely forgot about backwards-compatibility. Now that I look at my game library, I see that all of my games are on UMD (not one bought on PSN).
A Persona fighting game, from the makers of BlazBlue!?
One word: Minecraft.
Wow. I never knew Notch had an accent. For some reason I'd imagined he spoke perfect (American) English.
Oh wow. I am drooling right now. Nostalgia of my Ultima days are flooding in...
Don't even mention FortressCraft. I hate it with all my innermost being. Fortresscraft is the worst of the clones. It should be stuffed in a gutter with firecrackers. And the fact that it's on consoles doesn't help its reputation.
This is the very reason why I bought a backup memory card and copied my save to it occasionally, after some major achievements.
Pirates? I don't recall Minecraft being adversely affected by pirates...
PC gaming, dead? PSHHH, come on! The PC has Minecraft. That's all it need. Consoles? All they get are stale clones of Call of Duty. How fun. I'm going back to Minecraft now.
Ubisoft can assure itself that I will never buy one of their DRM'd titles for my entire life. I will laugh in their face when they fall.