
It’s the opposite for me. Their crazy ass stories and random things covered in this article have little appeal to me... it’s the amazing gameplay that brings me back. There’s just not a lot of developers out there that can do action games like Platinum.

You’re a hypocrite, imagine if a man did this to a woman, this entire website would be calling for the death penalty.

I would argue that everyone stops buying yearly iterations of the same game.

I thought Hanzo mains were supposed to be cancerous assholes who can’t hit the wide side of the barn?

You don’t have to.  The police aren’t going to arrest you if you don’t.  But jackasses like this guy are out there and might take offense.

Nothing excuses the threats and harassment the Ooblets developers have received. Nothing excuses the Ooblets developers’ needless provocation, either, and yet you continue to excuse it, and for what purpose?


There was a domestic dispute that resulted in his wife getting a wrist injury (supposedly he was trying to stop her from destroying their home), and lawsuits were filed between the couple. Honestly, from what I’ve read, it seems to have been blown out of proportion, and it should have remained a private matter.

The win that got her into top 8 was very satisfying, crowd loved it

Sorry but I just don’t see how someone dropping their weapon, which is an in-game mechanic, is any more being a bully than anything else you mentioned. Yeah, taunting your opponent can escalate into something further. So can anything else that you qualified as psyching out your opponent. If you do something

The entire point of psyching people out is to get in their head and throw them off their game, which is in itself a tactical purpose. And this doesn’t just mean ‘pissing someone off’, it can be try to get the person to be cocky, to hesitate for a second, whatever.

What separates any of those in-game moves as non-problematic but using in-game taunts and insults as problematic?

Yeah, this damn sure isn’t a “win, win”. 

They had already been doing extensive Microtransactions for years (since Black Ops 2, 6 ish years ago) anyway. No change in that department. 

Yet it also goes against the general Republican theme of letting corporations do whatever the hell they want. Because capitalism.

Say what now?  Baptiste has a great personality.  Who would expect an ex-Talon soldier to be such a lighthearted individual?  He starts the rounds by asking everyone if they’ve signed their waivers, and telling them he has a good track record of MOSTLY getting his team back.  Come on, that’s a way better personality

I loved Wonder Woman, even enjoyed the 2016 Ghostbusters, and I’ve always loved awesome woman in kicked ass roles ever since I was a kid with Ripley and Sarah Connor.

Finally someone that can actually think beyond emotion

Respectfully - no.