
How it actually works is you stop giving these streamers money, so you don't get this emotional when they use a bad word.

Unless he was targeting somebody he has no reason to apologize to anyone. And certainly not twitch. If he broke the rules they can ban him.

So disagree. And have fun highlighting women and gay people when I very clearly said "anybody".


Or... You could simply ask me what I meant. He doesn't need to apologize cause he don't owe anybody a damn thing.

He owes nobody an apology.

I'm shocked none of these companies tributed Sho-Nuff to be honest.

You guys gonna help hype Kennedy's new franchise, right? Cause it ain't gonna be Star Wars.

——> Freedom.

No it’s not. It’s sexual horror in the vein of what Hellraiser was originally depicting.

And imagine being the guy who forced Fortnite to shut down.

Curious: How are they going to fun its more Games As Service/Live Game nature? What are the Microtransactions going to be? Cosmetics, I guess.


While I personally think the game’s timing is in bad taste, it’s more important to me that we are free to create and consume any content we wish. You basically win this comment section. Many times over the years I’ve been in your place defending basic liberal principles so I know how it is. Good job. Just keep making

By taking responsibility for raising other people’s kids he validates the old and erroneous claim that gaming and general entertainment has a moral obligation toward societal grooming. That is more dangerous to free expression than he’s smart enough to realize.

I don’t know what you’re referring to and won’t presume to know what it’s like, but Fortnite is free.

I’m fine with the occasional lunatic. And even then Fable 2 is one of my fave games. Ever.

But we established you don’t have to buy anything.

Sakurai is important to Smash in a way few western devs are important to games precisely because of [whatever] metric you’re gauging them on. Even downplayed, there is a clear difference between how we treat heads and how they treat their heads. The Kojima controversy was a scandal, here it’s like ‘Oh the guys who

I liked him at E3.