
Criminal Justice AS degree, actually.

Okay, it’s a toy.

Exactly, to a degree.

Don’t be dramatic, there wasn’t mute and block buttons in the Wild West.

Yes, when you let certain people in power choose what is and isn’t ‘being a dick’ history shows it doesn’t end well for anybody involved.

Yet the principle remains the same; if there’s no actual metric for hate speech nor accountability for who gets to make the definition, it leads to the same injustices we fear from govt. It’s not just whether we go to jail or not (and overseas we see that’s not terribly far away from this starting point anyway).

“The next step for the Overwatch team, then, is to start catching bad behavior before it’s ever reported.”

I felt like this at first. Figured it was more or less a larger scale elimination FFA mode. But it’s one of those things you simply have to try a few times. It is well and truly the freshest take on competitive multiplayer in a long time. Me and my buds haven’t had this much fun since our Halo customs days.

Oh I actually like the idea of a support type role. I wish you could apply bandages and kits to partners to be a proper medic.

Oh I love pistols and they are great indoors but if you’re serious about having an edge in mist encounters...

I will, cause all this sociology nonsense has done nothing for me or the community. If I dare correlated, I’d observe things have gotten worse since you guys came in trying to ‘fix’ bigotry.

“Hah. You’re an idiot then. I’m an avid gamer but because I’m a female, I’ve been laughed out of competitive Overwatch matches before they’ve even begun. And then it’s nothing but really vile, sexually-harassing comments for the entire rest of the match.”

I’m thinking a severe reduction of range and *maybe* a fire-rate reduction. I don’t even like shotguns but it’s basically irresponsible to not have any shotgun in your loadout. SMGs and Pistols are basically vanity picks, and AR/Bursts theoretically outshine shotties except the key meta of the game is quick builds for

Wishing it would stop is a fool’s errand. There’s no way to prevent event hearing a race troll or racist joke without seriously screwing with our freedom and privacy on a platform. I rather mute one or two kids a month than have companies word policing gamers using standards nobody disagrees with. That Ninja kid just

Why would a racist date, marry, and have mixed race kids? What does racism mean if that doesn’t exonerate anyone? So yes, having a black friend should account for something.


“Accept this or you’re aiding white supremacy. You don’t wanna help white supremacists, do you?”

“Female gamers and gamers of other ethnicities have only recently started to make any sort of headway into the scene.”

This isn’t dramatic lunacy at all.

- The number of people believing a thing is not evidence or validity of the thing. There’s a fancy latin phrase about that but the above statement is well enough.