
Who decides what is and isn’t hate speech and what makes that person more qualified than you or me?

There’s nothing to suggest a “less toxic” game attracts a wider playerbase. The most popular games out tend to be competitive, with plenty of trash talk. Obviously the game with the largest playerbase currently has the higher chance of having a few assholes.

I would love to see this compared to a professional sports contract. I think NBA players have more freedom than this.

There is no such promise or legal standard that you should never have your sensibilities ruffled. It’s an impossible standard and personally, a breeding ground for weakness.

Literally just days ago a guy was convicted over a youtube gag. “Do your research” as they say.

Literally all of those things are fair game if the trash talk is reciprocal. That’s how trash talk works.

Trash talk at fighting game tournaments.


Applying critical theory to trash talk is hilariously off-base. You’ll just give yourself a migrane trying to decode the motivations of The Troll.

Being that the UK just prosecuted a guy over a joke, I think we’re good here. Free speech isn’t going anywhere.

The UK is becoming a trash fire in regard to free speech but that’s not a problem in my country - which guarantees it. And if govt wants to try yet again to put upon some regulation on gaming they can try. They lost way more than claimed victories.

I dunno what to tell you if you’re mentioning the 3 to 5 second button presses to block or mute like you’re driving to the courthouse to get a restraining order. If you rather let the potential for asswipes chase you off gaming than enact the “100% active requirements” to take agency for yourself than I would advise

This has not been about slurs for a long time. Bungie solved that 13yrs ago with the quick mute button. Every game has it now. You can block anybody and after 30mins you’ll never be matched with them again. This is not about catching bad words; we solved that long ago.

Except I’m not defending toxic behavior and have no concern over legit greivers getting their own space. I’m not a shit poster or one of those ‘blood sports’ guys. My number one concern is who defines hate speech and who gets the red button to unperson a gamer based on their standard for it.

What’s the point of universal standards (not guidelines, they repeat ‘standards’) if it will be left up to each corporation’s discretion anyway? It’s unlikely a company will be allowed to make a minority decision after agreeing to this... accords of a sort.

This will not end well for anyone involved; publishers, devs, gamers - this is gonna be a mess. A unifying standard between fanbases is one pickle, but across cultures? Nationally? Globally? Impossible.

That is the question. They all assume the arbiters will always be on their side, so when we say hate speech is a bad idea - they default to “why are these guys defending nazis ugh”.

I’ve waited years for this. He may have ‘died’ this day, but he just changed the FGC.

Define ‘all powerful’, because there’s a chance my definition is laughing at your definition.

A sufficiently free society will always have bad ideas out in the ether, so long as freedom of speech exists we will always hear bad ideas. And hate speech laws are a bad idea, never works out.