Is this satire?
Is this satire?
Yeah but there generally aren’t any consequences for shit like this. That miserable old buzzard just lost her little park job, that’s it. It’s not like she’s gonna face charges for pointing a gun at those people and driving them out of the park. She should. Anyway, as long as there aren’t any real consequences for…
Straight from the United States Patent and Trademark Office:
Pokemon Get Swole
Nintendo 2019: Premium Cardboard and Sleep as videogames.
Remember that in GOP land, the straw man of your political opponent using the wrong word is worth far more than the lives of six dead kids.
Remember, though, it’s the Democrats that are the “snowflakes.”
This episode of black mirror sucks
I don’t watch it, but I think it’s nice when lots of people are interested and excited about something. It’s fun and it brings people together and it seems like those big cultural moments are increasingly rare.
Found one.
I'm playing Pokemon because I don't have a buddy to bang it out with in the afternoon.
Fuckin RAWK.
“It would allow the government to force its rigid and unyielding fist inside the church,” Rep. Ross Spano told Buzzfeed.”
This is how you fight republican bullying and ignorance. You make good solid laws that defend people’s rights and bodies. You tell the American people what these laws will get them and what they will protect them from. If these laws are voted down, you go after the cruel bastards that stole rights from us.
Warren’s been doing well, and she’s definitely showing an ability to campaign and work a crowd that I was concerned she might lack (she always struck me as the college professor type: good with 50 people, bad with 500). And her policy positions are, by and large, pretty great (the green military thing she said a few…
That’s a long way to go for a very esoteric joke. Respect.