
I find it interesting that the small but annoying undercurrent of “This Jalopnik author is shit” comments (as opposed to “Jalopnik used to be so much better”, which is something I’m unqualified to critique) seem to focus almost exclusively on the female contributors.

The kind that comes in gallon cans with a plain white label.

Her constituents did that already.

They were just asking if you’ve seen Kyle, he’s this tall.

Silly that he made such a big stink over this.

“More triggered Liberals” *squints* “wait a second...”

Sexy Gritty?

My Volt shark at Trunk or treat at church. 

What’s funny is that I also grew up in his district (I’m assuming I lived straight north of you about an hour and a half on Highway 75) and none of these stories even made the local news up my way, as far as I can remember.

As a public service to my fellow readers, I checked out the comments section on “Brietbart”, gaining an insight into how the VSWP (Very Scary White People) are thinking.

Why do you insist on talking to me?

I love that Tucker’s serious face is the human equivalent of a dog discovering that you did not in fact, throw that ball.

The glue was a cover so that he could molt without being discovered.

So is this an indication that even as a child he wanted to be whiter than he already is?

I mean, this really only captures a pretty narrow set of dimensions to the problem of Brazil.

So pleased you both survived, a cat, Ollie saved me too. He is currently snoring next to me. So many people ignore the homeless, think it’s their fault. Homelessness can happen to anyone, homeless people look just like you and me. A kind word, a conversation can help so much. I am so happy you are both ok now. People

Different subject but can everyone please remember that tomorrow is World Homeless Day. Homelessness can affect any one, thankfully I'm not homeless anymore. If you see a homeless person please try to help, maybe a coffee, food, most homeless people I know are lonely and it doesn't take 2 minutes to ask how somebody

Um, the first state he mentioned was Iowa. It is not a vast, barren, uninhabited wasteland that only the federal government would bother owning. The land is almost all privately owned. Most of it’s farmland.

Interesting take on Splinter, home of the Why Can’t Centrist Democrats Just Die Already? 2018 Midterm campaign.

Sounds like he’s gotten himself into quite a...predicament.