
He’s protecting himself because he knows he’s in way over his head which is also why he won’t ever shut up and has to have all this alpha male crap all the time. He’s not smart or clever but he is loud and manipulative which has gotten him this far. It may be dawning on him now how badly he fucked up by getting

Evidence like a tape of someone bragging about committing sexual assault?

Too busy lifting. Weights before date rapes bro.

If they went to Altoona they should have gone to Adventure Land.

It’s not uninhabited, it’s farm and ranch land. Also fuck all this economic tourism bullshit. Poverty and economic inequality isn't something that's unique to the plains. 

Once again gm is duped by those tricky umlaut salesmen.

Well isn't this just 2018 in a nutshell. Also why does it matter what bathroom anyone goes in during an emergency?  Even a drill. Also kudos to the Equality Stafford person for being astoundingly patient in that second post.

There goes Cocaine Mitch running his mouth again. 

Thats as likely to happen as Trump being impeached. So it’s not going to happen. Say goodbye to marriage equality, reproductive rights and pretty much any rights if you aren’t rich and white.

Im no logistics expert, but I’ve been a professor long enough to know that Mr. Musk is bad at stalling.

Its that thing where you hold your pee for a really long time then when you go it's all dark and smells like condensed soup.

I wouldn't kick a two toned one of these out of my garage. Also the idea of a Tredia VR4 with a 4g in it sounds pretty alright. 

They couldn't get torches right. We're up against dangerous idiots here. 

Ja-Rule is the LeBron James of Ja-Rules.

Prince Toad has 6 nipples.

Ikr its a perfectly cromulent word.

Let me tell you about a magical time, it was called the 2000's...

He just thinks a decade is 100 years. A simple mistake from a very, very simple man.

Have your goddamn star.

“I love my country and support the troops which is why I need my guns so I can shoot them when I have to go to war with the gov'ment"