
Does this mean we’re going to start seeing a “I didn’t really mean it, I just did it for the lolz” defense?

Oh honey, read the room.

I guess good typography is part of the liberal agenda.

I got into some trouble with some militant vegans when I wouldn’t let them use my thesis work on factory farms and ag gag laws. I got some pretty nasty threats and weird phone calls, but California hippies are scared of the Midwest so I feel relatively safe.

Of course he is. He may be a stupid idiot, but he’s not a dumb stupid idiot.

Can we just stop treating healthcare as a privilege. There’s no reason except pure greed and the lack of any empathy that keeps us here.


This is a case of what my grandpa would call being too smart by half. He thought he could come in and play palace intrigue but he underestimated just how dumb all these people are and vastly overestimated how clever he is.

So he’s obscenely wealthy not obscenely rich, because his company is over valued by rich idiots. That makes me feel better about working my multiple jobs.

Pro tip: people who aren’t racist don’t usually have to tell others they aren’t rascists

Fun Fact: It’s actually easy to not sexually harrass people. Even when you’re in a position of power. Just use the CREEP system.

I’ll offer a little relief for this astonishinly butthurt comment section.

You lucky bastard. I did a reefer once and now all I can see are corners. It’s like living inside a kaleidoscope. 

Yes the ANTIFA are the most serious problem we’re facing right now, I for one blame the Clinton Administration.

They think they’re down on their luck millionaires who are being kept back by big government. That’s the lie they’ve been sold.

So if he concedes, when can we expect the homosexuals to come and abort all the guns?

He does love to poll the electorate, or at least attempt to.

You have to admit that’s a pretty America move though.

But who will do the softball interview for his “I have a problem, am deeply sorry, and working to make things right” tour.

That might actually hurt him more.