Your dermatologist’s step son, Chet would totally love this. Maybe he’ll get one if he buckles down and passes his pre-meds. He’s actually a good kid at heart, he just needs to learn to focus and get his priorities right.
side note: love the color of your Z and the BRE air dam and if those are black watanabes you’re one of my new favorite people.
As a millenial (gross I know) Harley Davidson is a perfect example of the rampant consumerism and forced nostalgia of the Entitled Generation (sorry baby boomers that’s what we’re gonna call you).
Also reaching over to close the glove box after literally any bump
Use non-fat drymilk
I’m not sure if these were actual i-MiEVs or not but the university I worked for bought a bunch of these and took the doors off and used them for facman and to give campus tours and they seemed perfect for that. Faster than golf carts with better range. As cars though, not so much.
I haven’t been this proud since I won second wokest cashier at Whole Foods.
I doubt too much work went into this. Having worked on similar (though not video game related) projects. This smacks of “oh crap we need to do a controller too, oh well, we’ll knock it out on first revision.” Then it sails through approval on your “just get something out” version and you look like a hero for getting…
well it is a mustang
Yes but “for display use only”
I’m a graphic designer and tnr is perfectly fine, readable typeface that works ok for body copy. Minion is a nicer choice if you want to class things up a bit.
I think it was something about not paying taxes...
Fix it again Charlie?