
You would have to divide by zero to figure out the number of fucks this man gives.

Please, Miata owners don't get mani/pedis, they give them.

As a USD alum I can attest to the fact that there are very few good places to pull off the road out there. There are no trees or cover and few side roads. Road boning is totally a thing. I've passed many people going at it over the years.

Old Swedish car with an engine that wasn,t designed for a car... yeah that's the ticket.

While this douche taxi is possibly the perfect expression of schadenfreude, for 40 grand I could probably kill myself like an asshat in something Italian. CP

great minds and whatnot

Squeeeeee! Gt Junior rally car!

This is way more funny and less aspirational than the Grom Ducati

I can attest to this being a legit way of doing this under certain conditions. I gripped for a Lincoln Mk whatever shoot and we were doing a bunch of location stuff for press packets I think, nothing too fancy. When they shot interiors they had ones with a visible exterior and ones whites out which they used a big

Ah the English wood pile, you usually have to pay double for that kinda action.

The lack of love for XJs gives me a sad. There are tons of them out there for cheap and they're unstoppable.

How do these people become millionaires?

Rally Drivers > Everyone Else

abaca is also widely used to make paper. Cotton abaca blends are commonly used to make fine art papers and very high quality cardboard used in panel laminations.

Now playing

Everybody should have a little Alfa race engine in their day.

The Matrix is back....

To be fair the stock sonic looks like this.

Great sales people can sell anything. I worked with one who sold tools. All he needed was 2 or 3 selling points and he was good to go. He sold thousands of tools and probably never picked up a wrench in his life.