
I call BS on that. With sufficient training any martial art will make you better at self defense. Go with flailing arms against any boxer and your ass will hit the ground faster than you can imagine. No one martial art is better than the other, however, some are more applicable in certain scenarios. An assailant is

You do know that Unagi means eel right? Or do you mean slippery like an eel that you can’t be caught.

Didn’t know either. Certainly know about the one next to prospect park.


I’m lost. Can people not discern fish by it’s texture?

45? I say 5.

Don’t let his antics at Napoli fool you. For club Higuain is the same thing. A million monkeys...

He never learns.

He never learns.

United and City, the two (theoretical) best clubs in the game’s biggest league

the two (theoretical) best clubs in the game’s biggest league

You really believe that tripe about safety and making the world a better place? Similar arguments were used by Hitler. The dark continent needed civilisation. And those poor indians needed the genocide of the conquistadors. Let’s call it for what it is, we’re greedy murderous thugs that steal other people shit. It’s

Well put sir. If only everyone will see it for what it is as opposed to the hypocrisy of making the world a better place. Just don’t go crying and calling others terrorits when the shoe is on the other foot.

Did you feel guilt about the changes in the people you knew or the murders of the ones you didn’t know?

We all benefit in some way from someone being exploited. And the ones exploited are the most vulnerable. This smartphone/computer you typed this comment on is a perfect example. Capitalism is about exploitation.

Just ask Sega & Nintendo how that went.

Considering the may make commissions from Amazon sales, don’t see it happening.

It was an will always likely to be called a foul throw. In the pro leagues this is hardly enforced. But start doing shit like this and it will be.

And it probably was a foul throw.