
Not a single reply I see here is asking why you put up with it if you didn’t like it. Why did you laugh along, why did you bottle it up until you snapped and punched someone in the crotch?

I have freeshop installed on my 3 3ds.

Because they needed their token so they can just point to it when people complain about not being represented.

He commited a crime, got sentenced, and is in jail, and deserves to stay in jail.

I’ll wait for the guy who did the Star Sapphire hacks, that was so much cleaner and didn’t actually change movesets. His are much better too with the leveling curve. He said he’s like 35% done with it so I’ll just wait.

Why would you even cancel it. Why would you wait a year? You can save another $40 in the next year.

This isn’t even offical

No... they aren’t. Red and Green are the original 2. Blue was a special edition with updated sprites. Go look it up.

Anyone who fears racial or any other kind of discrimination is just a fear mongering attention wanting baby. No one is gona discriminate against you because Trump is president and it wont increase it. Stop looking for boogymen and just do your job and live your life.

I would like to note that the flow of the game is so much more smooth. There are no sudden stops or just weird sections where you are heading to a new town just to find the gym which starts the next story part. The story is ever present, and the way it all leads up to the E4 is magnificent and really I’ve never had a

It’s not really that expensive all things considering. Games in japan are more expensive, but the $60 price point here hasn’t changed in so long even with all the inflation. http://i.imgur.com/Mfmtc5h.jpg just looking at current stuff on the PSN the prices are all about the same for full games.

Now playing

As someone who plays Symmetra a lot... I get a lot of potg on her. I played 7 matches last night and got 3 with her.

Everything is Sexist and Homophobic in Gawker-land! Unless it conforms to their PC liberal tripe its racist, homophobic, and should be banned.

Yet the internet freaks out about an Indian costume still

Can we acknowledge that the Nazi uniforms were the coolest looking though ever? Like I mean if its halloween and you dress up as Monsters whats wrong with a Nazi. Weren’t they monsters?

Blazblue, no. On the other hand POS companies like Atlus force dubs on people with their trash english VA that I have to mute to have any semblance of enjoyment in the game.

I really don’t think people won’t buy a game becuase it lacks english VA.

Wait, people actually care about trash english voice actors?

Root Letter and Steins;Gate 0 are also coming out this month.

I never see it complained about anywhere but news articles on kotaku complaining about complainers. They must have to dig DEEP to find it. If anything people welcome cute and feminine designs.