
I'm seeing reviews for this on Amazon since 2007... and it doesn't look good. I'll avoid it.

Vita is only touch screen, had it for 2 months, and If there was a way, I would have found it.

Yes it has a pause feature, though it's more like the game pauses and you can go back to the main menu, or put it into sleep mode.

Just because it isn't on the "List" doesn't mean it wont work. None of those are on the "list"

Are you stupid? By donating you get the game.

5% cut, which I'm sure some of that goes to Amazon for processing, and some of that has to get paid out to the transaction fee's for Visa/Mastercard etc.

Well that explains why I couldn't see anything different... Hmm.

Hmm those are some good points there.

Humanity still continues to exist?

Ah I see. Well looking through the site today it doesn't seem like much changed. So it's not as much of a change as I thought it would be.

And remember, all those games will have purchasable Idolm@ster costumes, ¥500 each of course.

I've gotten used to using both.

I'm confused, this seems like another "Change for the sake of change" thing that happens so often. It happens at my work and it makes no sense, and it seems to be happening here.

I could have sworn it does have a Platinum trophy...

Yeah I don't think it was there from launch, I think it came later.

Settings > Format > Restore Vita System

Blame Disney, I'm pretty sure its their fault.

The PSP Ones? Yes, Just backup the save onto a PS3, connect the Vita, and then copy it over to the Vita.

Eh it's not a problem, I don't mind answering questions.

I know enough japanese to play most games.