For your consideration, a list of names:
I actually really dig it. It's a ~moe~ anime gender-bent, but the character development is well-done if cliched, and the animation is downright gorgeous.
"unless you want to outsource decision-making about what content is right for your kids to other people"
Do straight people really think we gays have private mass gatherings?
This is the real problem with the video game industry and internet/videogame culture as a whole. It's all a bunch of manchildren (myself included at times, I will freely admit). Any time someone disagrees, it creates this ridiculous behavior of becoming children. Children. Because an adult would deal with their…
Not to sound absent of empathy but Thomas Jefferson one said. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." Though his word would have to be questioned in my eyes cause he was a strong supporter of the french revolution and blood baths. At…
Anastasia (as voiced by Meg Ryan): I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
Ariel: She doesn't even go here!
It's a popular niche attraction referred to as "bear" if I recall correctly.
Man, I havent thought about Snatcher in years, but now I couldn't care less about other current games until I replay it! Made such an indelible impression on me growing up. Kojima!
The problem with that chart is it's missing the ACTUAL scientific explanation column for comparison.