
"Are lax parents who give their kids their iTunes passwords to blame? I don't think so."

The vita doesn't have a decent sized selection of any type of game. I wish it did.

Well 3DS has lots of those too.

Hit the nail on the head.

Celeb? How about you refer to him by his actual professions... If you don't know what he is about, perhaps a quick google search will help, Evan.

This same simply needs to be localised, and I have never had too much doubt it would... just lots and lots of proper british IMPATIENCE!!! ;)

Ohhh I want my Wii U now :(

I love comments like this. "Oh! Where is my expensive electronic device? I have no idea!" Right...

It's a Wii U port of the recent release. I know this for a fact.

While a company can pat itself on the back for selling X amount of units, if they have been selling every single one at a huge loss it's not exactly such an amazing achievement.

Ohhhhhhhh yes yes yes! What an amazing trailer! This is one of the only reasons to watch TV anymore!

I'm a bad man. I cried when I read this... laugh cried :(

Such a fantastic ad! And this game just looks better and better!!!

It's slightly different than the Sony conference article... I don't think he will swoop down this time.

Get rid of Kotaku's audience?! :O

This game is sensational. It's surprisingly great looking on the 3DS as well!! Cannot wait for this!

Really horrible to watch, and imagine...

Aside from the visuals... I think this title will fail to truly impress when it's released.

I was an early pre-orderer of this game... but sadly I... just really disliked it :S I still try to give it a shot every now and again but I find it so bothersome to play... Saddens me.
