

Do people really just say "I wish this was a game!" to everything they like? Breaking Bad would be a shit game.

I wish I still thought like this. I always got excited for all console releases... but I just can't be bothered anymore... I used to be a Day 1 customer last gen but I just see no reason to jump onto consoles now... They will need to BLOW me away to get me interested... no familiar sony, abstract bullshit... just

The price is fine. The software lineup just needs a boost. That happens in March, as far as I am concerned. That's when I'm getting mine ;)

Jim is so amazingly cool! See how many times he said "Cool" and used swears! He is so intelligent... man, I.... I want him!

I don't know what it's like elsewhere... but in the UK we are actually going through a pretty massive retail meltdown...

In my opinion Black and White are not at the bottom... that is where Diamond and Pearl should sit... awful generation.

I agree.

I'm guessing you areee... a teenager?? At that tender age where you worry about people judging you about the things you like.

Star Wars was a stand alone film they expanded upon when it did very well at the box-office. An Anime is a series with a set amount episodes. All I'm saying is, surely you can't judge something until it is all finished? Why is this so hard to understand? I don't mind progressive reviewing... episode by episode... but

Why review so many Anime series that aren't complete...?

Thanks Jesus. Thanks for making me feel ill. Sonic... Little girls... GAHBLURGH

I love how whenever there is an article about obnoxious behaviour, even before you click on the link, you just know it's been written by Pat.

For me, even though Majora's Mask is my favourite title, Wind Waker is still the most perfect form of Zelda ever to be created. It's just so utterly fantastic to experience. I got tingles reading my copy of this book earlier, just reading about islands that were left out of the game... any scrap of info about Wind

Did you actually pre-order and lose your copy of the Wizard's Edition...?

This is very kind of Bungie... but really, they shouldn't waste their time on silly requests like this...

I wonder the same thing.

I'm a hopeless optimist. I ordered mine the same month you did, and am certain that the delay will be the only issue we face...

Shut up about lens flare... gawd...

You're replying to a different comment, right? Because you are insane and do not get my point at all.