Did you honestly buy the Vita under that one assumption? :( Ouch.
Did you honestly buy the Vita under that one assumption? :( Ouch.
Well I'm happy for PS3, Xbox360 and Wii U owners who didn't get to experience this fantastic game on the 3DS... as for me, I played it last year, loved it, and wont be buying it again...
Well... yeah, I mean it makes perfect sense but unfortunately that doesn't mean Level 5 will bother... the game sold just over 100'000 copies in Japan, on the PS3 which had a sizable user base... compaered to the 600'000 copies on the DS... so I don't think they will bother... frankly I am shocked it is even getting…
Oh my god, when I was crusading for the DS version to be localised, and the Wii U popped up the very first thing I thought was... Ni No Kuno Wii U!
People must buy a lot of games, because there are plenty of games out there (Ignoring whether we are looking at ports or completely new titles..)
Awwww, bless you.
Stop giving this trash web space.
Disgusting. Focus on having your name attached to class projects, SE.
Two articles, essentially giving the same info... Why kotaku, you are spoiling us..
Well March is looking quite brilliant... sooo... I can live without some of those Nintendo games for now.
It's all about not allowing yourself into that pattern.
Hrmmm, well obviously this isn't the END or whatever... but it is disappointing that Nintendo haven't quite learnt from their 3DS mistakes... that also arrived with a bang and slumped hard... people might argue that the Wii U has plenty of games, but it really doesn't have plenty of Original games yet. They'll come,…
When I first saw this, I called it Shit. Being a lifelong fan of Final Fantasy, and despite my instant dislike towards what I saw, I downloaded this... Unfortunately, there is no surprise hook here... it really is trash.
Or... play the Demo? It's $0/£0
Oh dear... Yes, it does look insane. Shit and insane.
So... This ISN'T Bravely Default... Well fuck that.
I actually find this disgusting!!!
Shut the funk up...
Sooo he was going to look like my dream man?!! Damn!