Expect a simultaneous Wii U release! Or certainly a HD remix later on down the line ;)
Expect a simultaneous Wii U release! Or certainly a HD remix later on down the line ;)
Such a dumb article, and it certainly makes the author appear quite dumb as well... Oh and please don't tell me that it's meant ironically or as a light hearted piece or whatever... Dumb is dumb.
Haha... the fact we haven't heard anything is a truly terrible sign, but I'm sure it will be worth a watch for a laugh or two.
HAHAHA... so in Dollars, Amazon.co.uk is asking for $486 for the premium... fuck me with a pineapple... That price has got to fall though...
Scrap that... Hrmmm... Amazon are hitting it HIGH out the gate... £250 for the basic model and £300 for the Premium??? Ouch...
What the hey??? I can't Pre-Order yet in UK... bleeeeh!!!
Death threats and Hate slinging. What a perfect representation of the average mental age of a gamer. It's facinating when something like this peels off the layers and reveals the ugly, self-serving and entitled nature a lot of gamers seem to have.
This... is just fucklarious.
I still laugh at PS3's launch price...
Hmm, well it's a shame that was the reason for not playing it... brilliant game.
Well this is what I call a deluge of information...
But the game is coming to the west as well...? So what's the problem. It can't be a US/Europe launch title since it isn't out til March... not really much to be 'hating' for
That was a 2D game...
Yes Please!!! :)
Exactly, it's a very good system.. which is why I never understand people mocking Nintendo for keeping away from voice acting in Zelda games.
The Last Story as well... yeah, this article lacks clarity and is so stupidly blunt and rigid.
Eh... you're very good at generalising massively, Jason... and that's a very bad thing.
I'd rather see him screwing Shephard, than just screwing up. Woof!
Brilliant. To be honest the visuals of the Wii version don't disappoint. We all know what the Wii is capable of, so with that in mind they are swell. The art design is great too... I really enjoyed Richard's Livefeed play through a while back...
His wrist is perfectly stiff.