
Go almost anywhere else on the internet since that costume was released as concept art and, trust me, you'll find that mentioned.


She spent all day in a bagel shop with a broken steam valve.

I think it's the WW2 uniform which he steals from that exhibit we see him visiting.

I have a feeling that Bob Redford's speech regarding the shaping of the 20th and 21st centuries (which we hear in voice-over) is directed at the Winter Soldier, who I think is working for Redford's character, who I think is secretly the Red Skull. This is all strictly speculation, obviously.

I'll just leave this here for those in the know:

It bothers me that this reviewer has carelessly gotten simple facts from the episode wrong. Skyler did not ask Walt to tell her that what he had done was for their family "in an effort to reach some semblance of understanding about the whole thing," but rather was insisting he not tell her precisely that, and he


This is how I take my Feynman, these days:

Post-"Prometheus," rigour has been replaced by poking.

Interesting becasue:

"Actually?" Are you saying that that's "actually" a fact? Like, real Wyvern's actually have the bat-like frontal appendages and real Dragons actually have separate sets of forelegs and wings? True, that's how they are depicted in heraldry and some fiction, but are you claiming that any fictional depictions of Dragons

Beak was never a Morlock, but your point is well taken as, like The Morlocks, his point was to be a "mutant who looks like a mutant." He has at various times been a member of the New X-Men, The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the eXiles, and the New Warriors, but never the Morlocks.

I think X-Man qualifies as useless because he's essentially Cable, and people barley know what to do with one Cable. On the other hand, I think Fanotmex is useful precisely BECAUSE he's essentially Deadpool, only in this case a Deadpool not relegated to the realm of comic relief and un-marred by an endlessly

I think you've landed in that centre section of the Venn diagram where trolling and honesty overlap. Now please tell us how you hate The Beatles and think puppies are overrated.

That's quite a claim. I love Jack Kirby and believe he deserves far more credit than he receives, but to so thoroughly dismiss Lee's contribution is, in my opinion, misguided. First of all it's notable that Lee's most enduring creation, Spider-man, came about with Kirby's influence (Jack Kirby's Spider-man designs

That how I've always read it — Batman lets down his façade for a moment and relates to Joker in a human way, but what a weak ending that would be (and it always seemed as such)! Joker just tortured two of Batman's closest friends (and, in my interpretation, raped Barbara Gordon, but if you don't buy that, he at the

I've been thinking about this all day, and I think it works as long as you view it as a failure on Batman's part. Gordon was not broken by Joker's machinations, but by the end of the story Batman (who we must assume is already an unstable personality) completely snaps. It makes Batman laughing at that stupid joke

THIS. I enjoyed the movie, and disagree with some of the criticisms listed above, but WHAT was UP with that voice!?!?