it also bans people from buying insurance plans through the Affordable Care Act that cover abortions

I'm Navajo and I loved this show. While I cannot comment on how the Asian community thinks of Dong, I feel pretty strongly about the Native American arc. In the third episode where Mrs. Vorhees parents are introduced, I died. I thought they captured a part of Native Americans that I don't see in media: our sense of

But did you know why these people were upset/having a bad day? Maybe it was a tiny thing that would work out. Maybe someone they loved just died. Maybe they just got a horrible diagnosis. Maybe they just got fired and now can't afford things they really, really need, like, say, rent, or medication. Maybe they just got

Don't forget the condescending nature of that idea, which is that people who aren't poly are either in denial or less "evolved."

It's actually not a fact. The vast majority of scholarships give MEAL PLANS, which are only redeemable whenever the cafeteria is open, and at most, three meals a day. So you had a rough evening practice, and want to get something to eat at 9:15? Sorry, kid. Cafeteria's closed, and because you're on scholarship you

Relatedly to the tea, many drinks come with lime just automatically. I'll ask for seltzer with lemon, and about eight times out of ten, I get it with lime.

As someone who, for reasons I don't understand, can't stand cheeseburgers and has to verify "without cheese" at every single restaurant, the greatest moment of my life was when we went to a kosher restaurant near my friend's apartment, and I start explaining to the guy that I want a burger with NO cheese, like I

TW: Unpopular opinion.

Big scraggly beards are gross. Faces are nice.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.


They're all serious.

I don't really care who Leo is or is not hookin gup with but if this was a 4o year old woman being claled out for her "age appropriateness" y'all would be shitting yourselves in "righteous" fury. I've never heard of any accusations that anyone DiCaprio hooked up with wasn't willing and able to make their own

Okay...I never put two separate comment threads on an article, but I have to this time.

That's nothing, my cat performs 4'33" on a nightly basis.

I think a more accurate comparison would be Rita Hayworth aka Margarita Cansino. Her natural hair had a widow's peak, which the powers that be at the studio thought looked "too ethnic." Their solution? Electrolysis! They have improved the process, but at the time it was quite painful.

So much douchebaggery in one comment. Not a fan of him but wow man, just wow.

Buying any amount of twine for $36 is unacceptable and un-American. Weave twine out of your own back hair if you want to tie things.