Better than duckface.

I thought the same thing. However, I also thought that there's a small possibility that it's the light on the ceiling causing the halo effect.

Oh, wow....That's more than a little disturbing.

Yeah, it's definitely a horrible situation for her to be in. Honestly, though, she'll probably be better off not working for this gawdawful company.

Except the story didn't say she's living in the UAE. She was on a business trip there.

One day I'll have to have a talk with my son. (He's 10 now.) And one day, I'm sure he'll want to look at porn. I won't get mad, but I won't go out of my way to make it easy for him. For at least the next several years, his computer will be in a public place. It's the right of a teenage boy to have to find a way to get

I've never heard of this show...and it appears Netflix doesn't have it. :(

I'd be interesting in seeing total box office sales, not just domestic. Don't some movies make some of that up internationally?

Hah, thanks. I was disappointed when I saw they were back together, even if temporarily. I LOVED Selena's David Letterman interview in which she said she made the baby-faced singer cry.

So does that mean teh Bieb is no longer with Selena again? I'm so behind on my totally useless celebrity gossip!

My brother-in-law, who I love dearly except when we discuss politics and things like this, tried the argument that if gay people could get married, then so could people who belong to NAMBLA. He said if we follow the argument that people who love each other should be allowed to get married, what's to stop pedophiles

I constantly tease my boyfriend about his biological clock ticking, because he'd be happy to have babies tomorrow.

I'm a Jewish-American girl with Scottish, Irish, German, Polish and Austrian heritage. My atheist boyfriend has Spanish heritage. On one side of my family, I'm third-generation American born, the other side goes back generations. His family is about the same.


Oh, the DWTS stuff killed!

James VDB should always play James VDB in all TV shows from now til the end of time.

My cats are indoor only, and we've built an outdoor enclosure for them. We attached it to the house with a kitty-cat door at the window, so they can go in and out into the safe enclosure as much as they want. It's a great compromise (although not possible for apartment dwellers). They get to enjoy the fresh air, soak

I wasn't sure if she regularly went by Colbert Busch or if Colbert Busch was typically used because of the Colbert name recognition. I know that many people who go by two names will hyphenate, which is why I wasn't sure!

You keep referring to her as Colbert. Shouldn't it be a Busch win, and the Post and Courier gave Busch its stamp of approval? (Or, as the P&C said...Colbert Busch? But not just Colbert.)

That was my first guess, too! If not her, though, then the new girl...whatsherface.