Because they know if they don't lose the weight for a role in which everyone knows how the character looks, they'll get tons of negative feedback before the movie/show/whatever even airs. Just look at Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games...TONS of people kept saying she was too curvy for Katniss.

John Barrowman is in it? I took this off my DVR a few episodes ago because I found I could not care about any of the characters...but I might have to reconsider just for some JB goodness...

I have to admit, because I live in SC, I'm probably not going to vote tomorrow. It really doesn't matter in the presidential election at all...SC is going Romney no matter what I do...and I really know nothing about our local politics. If I knew my vote actually counted, I'd definitely go.

Season 4 of Torchwood simply does not exist. As much as I miss Capt. Jack, the series ended with season 3. And I'd rather leave it at that, instead of risking another Miracle Day mishap.

My calico is the absolute sweetest cat I've ever had. She's a lap cat (or, if I'm laying down, a neck cat), and she gets very upset if you don't give her the love she thinks she deserves. I've also had a very sweet (skittish) white cat.

I would fall in love every day if people wore the same hats as Matt Bomer's character in White Collar. Or maybe it's just Matt Bomer who makes me think that...

Any comment area that requires a "how-to" is needlessly complex and should be discarded immediately.

I liken them to cockroaches. No matter how many you exterminate, they still survive.

Hah, so true!

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. She would have made an OK Willow (but thank god it was Alyson Hannigan instead). I really have never liked her acting, and Buffy would have failed after the first 13 epis if Holmes had been the lead!

Sorry, no. I meant to respond to the troll CptnOblivious, and I failed at Gawker's crappy reply system.

Yeah, I was actually listening to Rush AT THE TIME of his rant. (Despite my intense dislike for Rush, I sometimes flip to his station just to hear what idiocy he's ranting about.) He very clearly said there was a reason Bane had that name.

I think you can be an independent woman and still be a stay-at-home mother. Independent, in my mind, is more than financial independence. It's being free to make your own decisions and to have a mind of your own. It's being your OWN person, and not the property or mouthpiece of someone else.

My BF wants a kid (in the future), and I'm not so certain I want to reproduce again. I've told him I'd only consider it if he'd be able to guarantee it'd be a girl and we can name her Daenerys. He's on board with the name, although he's trying to convince me a 50/50 shot is all I can expect!

I guess I don't see anything wrong with either being considered a lesbian in general, but I don't think it's central to either story (well, not SoIaF, not sure about Brave). I wish that women & girls could be tomboys without the whispers of "she might be gay" going around. (I understand you're just relaying what

I didn't realize people thought Arya Stark was a lesbian. I just assumed she was a tomboy, horsefaced 9-year-old who is far too busy trying to survive than to dream about boys or girls...(note: the actress who plays Arya is NOT horsefaced. She's described as such in the books.)

I honestly find that so many people prefer different terms for different things. What offends someone is a preferred term for someone else. I see this in terms of race, disabilities and more. I personally think the intent behind the words is more important than the words themselves.

My school's commencement speaker was the city mayor. It was horrid — long, boring and bizarre (he even mentioned his ex-wife for some reason). I'm so jealous of awesome speakers like this...