Is there really such a thing as "too much" frosting? Isn't the stomachache worth it? ;)
Is there really such a thing as "too much" frosting? Isn't the stomachache worth it? ;)
I really, really disliked Tobey McGuire's Spiderman. (Just not a fan of McGuire's in general.) I also love, love, love Emma Stone. For those two reasons alone, I support this remake!
Considering that the health care plan doesn't go in effect for two more years (if I recall correctly), it has little bearing on today's job market. My current job stopped carrying health care a few years ago, before Obama was even in office.
I recently had a medical procedure (cardiac cryoablation), and although blood clots is a possible consequence, it's fairly rare. I was one of the lucky few who received a blood clot in my lung after the procedure. My doctor suspects that my birth control made me a little more susceptible to the pulmonary embolism, so…
My mother was the same way. She said she had some disapproving comments from my sixth-grade teachers about letting me read Stephen King and Anne Rice, but I haven't suffered because of it! I'm still an avid reader, a graduate student of library info science and raising a son who loves to read almost as much as I do. I…
Even though the show obviously wants us to root for New Directions...was I the only one who was rooting for the Treble Tones? I knew they wouldn't win, but a girl could dream, right?
My grandparents used to tease my mother, telling her that they bought her out of a clearance bin. She was wrapped in a blue blanket, and so they thought she was a boy. They said when they got home and unwrapped her, seeing she was a girl, they couldn't return her because she was on clearance.
My 8-year-old son still thinks babies come out of bellies. He asked me if it hurt when he came out of it and how it healed. I know that someday I'll have to correct him, but I figure it's not something he needs to know yet!
The Boogie Man lived in my Nana's basement.
I agree with you. While most things are "wants," for some, there are needs. At least 1.5 bathrooms should be a must for anyone who lives with another person. (All it takes is for the two people to eat at a restaurant and get sick from the food, at the same time, and have to take turns in the bathroom. Not. fun.)
I removed Terra Nova from my DVR list this week and never got around to watching last week's epi. I just couldn't get into it, and kept switching it off bored.
See, back when I was a tween (back before that was a word), I'd gone through the YA section by the time I was 11, and I had moved on to adult lit by then. (My mother recently told me she had teachers criticizing her for letting me read Stephen King and Anne Rice at age 11.)
Why does YA fiction make you sick? While I find many formulaic books in YA, there are some real gems in the mix.
Growing up we had two Maine Coon cats. They were from a breeder...someone else had purchased them and returned them (I don't know why), and the breeder gave them to us. They were awesome cats.
I don't think it's the haunted house itself that is the's that she was forced to stay when she asked to leave.
I get that she's known as a fake, and even with my limited experience of her and her sisters I've called them "fake celebrities," but some of the venom thrown toward her for this is amazing. One commenter said Kim is why "we have a bad name." (Although it wasn't specified what group the 'we' was...women? Americans?…
I don't understand why everyone is just blaming it on her. Aren't they both to blame?
I would LOVE to see him in the role. As long as we also get Sherlock.
"A director casting a role for a high school teenager wouldn't, for example, cast a twenty-something to wear a cheerleader's outfit or sprint through the hallways with a backpack slung over her shoulder because that would be ridiculous."
I almost watched it last night. But then I figured Jezebel would have someone watch it and recap I watched a mediocre movie on Showtime instead!