@seedypete: I agree with you on all counts except for one...I'm pretty sure Chicago still holds the title of sleazy politics. SC is just a close runner up. (I say this as a resident of SC, although I'd much rather live just about anywhere else...)

@L-dizzle: You are correct on some levels, but it's also easy to forget that Kurt's character is supposed to be in his mid-teens. He's really young and pretty naive about things. He's not quite sure what "normal" behavior is for him because he doesn't have anyone to relate to.

Maybe someone else has pointed this out before (or even in this thread and I just overlooked the comment...), but I just noticed the two Asians in Glee have the same last name (well, sort of). Tina Cohen-Chang and Mike Chang.

@Uhuh.: I had a similar experience myself... Without going into details - Guy makes an unwelcome move, causes excruciating pain (and spotting for days). Guy waits 30 seconds and then tries to get me "back in the mood," pouting when I said I was done for the night.

@RaisinGirl.OfficeGirl: "where Kurt pretended not to be able to hit the high notes in "Defying Gravity" so Rachel could sing it because she's a unique and special snowflake."

@jemandtheholograms: Seriously, this. Because I'm nearing $20k of student loans for my education, just so I can support myself and my son. While working a full time (low-paying) job and struggling to pay the bills, dealing with a new car payment because someone totaled my paid off vehicle, and trying to find a few

@GelatoSunrise: I can't agree more. I love Pierce Brosnan...but Brosnan singing ruined the movie for me.

My 7-year-old son has been taught to always ask before petting a stranger's dog. Heck, *I* always ask an owner if it's OK to pet a dog before doing so. Not only is it respectful, but it's important for safety reasons. (And if it's a specially trained dog, for hearing or visual reasons, they often aren't permitted to

@RedLantern: Could be worse. Could be a Jennifer born in the early '80s... (like me).

@laetitiae: Reading stuff for a library & info studies intro class.

@Dauphine: That's totally my favorite scene in that show...quite possibly my favorite scene in any tv show ever...

@PoisonPixie: I see this argument all the time with awful, offensive, stupid, etc. advertising. Not all discussion for advertising is positive discussion. If I talk about how ridiculous/offensive/etc an ad is, it tends to make me less likely to buy a product by the company, even if I LIKE something it's selling.

I actually know parents with children who have add and adhd, and they often don't give the children medication on weekends and sometimes during summer. Depending upon the type & dosage of the medication, I've seen how lifeless some of those kids are on their medication.

@BabyJane: In the IT field and as a nurse, they'd be hard pressed to come up with enough cash to care for eight children. I don't care how far you can stretch a dime. I've never watched the show (no interest), but even if all 8 children go to public school, they'd have to have some sort of after-school care if the

@cellydevil: I've actually had a friend argue that she thinks Phelps has an unfair advantage because of his height and whatnot and other features. She didn't come out and say he shouldn't compete, but she did say it was a bit unfair.

@MizJenkins: Yes, she says he's endearing. And in the same breath says he's "hopelessly awkward," "has no social skills," and is "fragile."

lol this is a silly little thing and i think its so funny 4 us 2 us. y do we like such things they are so silly teehee. i luv things like this becuz its fun and stuff and i like fun things and who r u? boys r kewl.