We grow most of your food. And yeah, most of us aren't redneck nutcases.
We grow most of your food. And yeah, most of us aren't redneck nutcases.
There's a surprisingly dense gay population in the South. You hear about the religious nuts but in small towns where there's a pleasant gay couple settled down nobody cares. Plenty of the South never cared about gay. A lot of us are British by ancestry and that culture overlooked plenty too.
The USA should just break into a few countries, then Canada can do the same. I know that I would be fine to not have to deal with Eastern Canada ignoring our end of the country.
I support the integrity of the Union, so I'm not really in support of any kind of secession, and god knows enough people died last time the South committed treason en masse in support of treating people like shit, but I would kill for another shot at Reconstruction. None of that backroom deal shit, just federal…
Please, please let northern Northern California join, too. State of Jefferson and all...
In reality, I think it would be pretty bad. Just based on feelings, though, there's a part of me that thinks we'd all be better off if we separated and we had a liberal country and conservative country.
don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out... because of the gay panic that would ensue
Centcom will get packed up and moved to Miramar in a weekend, no worries.
If you can manage to saw off the civilized part at the bottom and graft it onto the rest of the Union, feel free. (We'll call it the Great Circumcision.) But we don't want the rest of it, with the giant bugs and meth labs.
Jez's articles would decrease by half with the loss of the ever-WTFing Florida.
Eastern and western Wa might as well be two different states, geographically and politically.
As a resident of Florida, have fun fighting against ISIS and other various threats without CENTCOM...
Florida actually went to Obama in both his elections. Nobody hears our pain though because Bugs Bunny Sawing GIF.
I for one endorse this plan.
Nope. I think a lot of folks would be: "Via con carne, muthafuckys!"
I totally concur. If the bible belt states had to stand on their own they would reject conservatism and the Republican party outright within 5 years.
The powers-that-be down South won't allow it because they know that their region has the poorest States in the country, the lowest per capita income, the highest drop out rates, etc. The Northern States support the South; they consume more in federal programs, far more, than they pay in taxes. And yet they despise Big…
I would. I'm a NC native - a state that is about 50/50 conservative and progressive. Please do not throw us out of the union. We're trying to do better.
Well, there are a lot of people who are not neo-confederate assholes in those states. I think we tend to think that the vast majority are, but I don't think that's true. So there would be a huge refugee problem to start with. And don't forget, the majority of military bases are in the South. There's a lot of…