I don’t.. but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to have an opinion on the topic..

lol.. how am I spreading anything?.. maybe you missed the word “probably”?

Bloody hell.. just.. why Apple..?

Hmm methinks you’re using the phrase “great directors” very loosely.. lol

Wait.. hold on a second here.. You mean “monopole” magnets don’t exist?

Soo.. it’s a $1200 waste of good rum then?

lol, not even close.

Dude.. I would watch the shit out of that glorious train wreck.

And this is from 3rd hand knowledge not actual use correct? Because I’ve owed both the G3 and G5 and neither had any of those issues. they have 2 skin modes to their phones; Simple and Advanced. the simple is very iPhone-esq, but the advanced mode is pretty close to stock android.

The reason they probably didn’t include any USB ports is bandwidth. You want all the bandwidth you can muster to make this box run at peak performance. USB devices would eat into that bandwidth.

Lol.. I can ask my ex if she still has the giant cow I won if you’d like to see it.

Yup. you’re dead on.

Lol.. to each his own I guess. I’ve had 2 LGs now and they are by far the best devices I’ve used.

I honestly don’t even see why this is an issue.. the character IS bi.. She isn’t the lead, it’s a new character and it’s an action movie.. not a drama.

SO why the fuss? It’s not like the Thor movies are a one shot deal and her character can’t be fleshed out more in subsequent films.

Umm.. ok... I bought a $20 1000lumen flashlight off ebay like 5 years go.. still have it actually.

Umm.. ok... I bought a $20 1000lumen flashlight off ebay like 5 years go.. still have it actually.

Played a game like the star one, except it was with a crossbow and you had to peirce the star without breaking the outer edge. The arrow is literally about ~2mm smaller than the star and the crossbow sight was off as well.

However, the dude made the mistake of giving me a free test shot. Once I saw and felt how the

Wait.. hold on a sec.. is there no other way to unlock this phone? WHat if people don’t want to use the face thing?

Apple should have “borrowed” a design cue from LG and made the little apple logo on the back the touch sensor.

Hardly a “clone”... this laptop actually has connect-ability. Besides.. I much prefer the newer XPS design to that of the new MBP.

It’s funny how so much of the public think Apple is on the cutting edge of tech.

I blame Samsung’s marketing, lol. Give it 10 years and APple will act like they invented this too when they release the iPhonePad 1
