LMAO!! Dude.. that’s a classic Apple move.
“Oh whatever the competition has is garbage for X reason”.. “Until we use it in our next model.. then it’s the Leetest!”
LMAO!! Dude.. that’s a classic Apple move.
“Oh whatever the competition has is garbage for X reason”.. “Until we use it in our next model.. then it’s the Leetest!”
LMFAO!!! I love how you preach what you don’t practice. I also love how your ideas about me actually apply to you more than they do to me, lol.
and he didn’t claim that and neither did I. “Google may” is very different from “google is”.
Thread jacking.. LMAO!!!! Explain. How is anything I’ve said off topic?
“it is a hypothetical”
LMAO!!! Oh man.. still with the assumptions, lol. There is no “right to flirt into your co-worker’s pants”.. however if men never tried to get into woman’s pants.. our species wouldn’t exist. Flirting in a natural part of courtship. I’m not saying the dude has no tact, but it isn’t against the law to be a douchbag.
“That comment said “people.” You inferred “men.””
What “new information”.. ?? You made a claim that some unknown lawyers possibly disagree with something that I said.
You haven’t presented me with any information.. WHY or for what reasons would be info..
I’m not saying “I know best”.. but you seem to want to ignore the fact that frivolous lawsuits happen all the time.
LMAO!! way-ta split hairs there..
“Damore’s opinions of Google’s hiring practices, how valid are they, and was it unfair for Google to fire him because he posted his opinions on a Google forum.”
Is the first half not exactly the topic we’ve been discussing.. but on a more general scope? Yes, the wage gap may have…
DOn’t like a concept.. just dismiss it! and reject it! even though you cannot argue against it.
“It takes time to learn how to relax and not be a pig, but it’s doable”
I brought up porn because it is the most obvious one.
Nonsensical?? LMAO!!! So woman making less is an issue, but men making less is just a joke and funny and should just be laughed at or ignored?
How is my point that there are feilds where woman earn more ridiculous? YOU acted like it was the ONLY industry. Yes, it…
“Show me evidence of that. Otherwise, it only makes sense for those to be the same (same job title at the same company), because having the same job suggests they work the same number of hours each week.”
LMAO!!!.. no it doesn’t. Seriously.. have you ever had a job? You need evidence that some people work more hours…
LMAO!! Oh yes.. cause frivolous lawsuits never happen..
Wait.. isn’t this about the idea that google has preferential hiring practices?
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! so.. you can’t think of any other industry where woman dominate?
Like.. let’s see.. Nursing, teaching, event planning, Psychology, Vets, PR, HR.. should I go on?
“You think because female porn stars make more than men, that’s analogous to men making more in, say, tech?”
Umm.. yes.. and I’ve mentioned before that there are companies that pride themselves and don’t even attempt to hide their hiring practices.
Well.. of course.. “hostile environment” is the new catch all to get whatever you want from your employer. lol
Yup.. but you see, your industry doesn’t count.. becuase it doesn’t play to their narrative.
LMAO!!! Google.. the white knight of tech companies.. paying woman less?
I fuckin doubt it.. more likely some woman found out that they were making less than some of their peers and are crying wolf.
““Equivalent jobs” should filter for both factors. “Time off” is often a part of compensation and so wouldn’t affect the overall rate.”
Why would you think I’m trolling.. is equality some kind of joke to you people?
“You seem to see every hire of a woman as a non-hire of a man.”