I'm sorry.. if you can't see that a digital 4k image is crisper and cleaner than a 35mm one, then you must have an issue with your eyes.
I'm sorry.. if you can't see that a digital 4k image is crisper and cleaner than a 35mm one, then you must have an issue with your eyes.
Ya, sorry about that.. it just came up in my notifications today and I only noticed the original date after posting lol.
It's called, knowing how to budget and knowing when "tax cuts" are not the answer to everything. If you can't afford it, raise taxes and/or cut spending. The only place in the world I hear stories like this is from the US.
These aren't "volunteer" firefighters. They are private firefighters. Like private security. Volunteers don't get paid and don't require a monthly payment for their service.
I'm sorry.. I don't call paying $1k+ per month for for a non existent healthcare plan (By non existent I mean having deductibles) "working".
Then.. don't buy a phone like the galaxy note?
This dude needs a life lesson. It's called;
Honestly, I don't remember exactly where I read that.
Oh.. and I'd just like to note that a fetus is not "completely separate and fully new human being from the moment of fertilization". If it was, it wouldn't need the mother support system for 9 months. Until it's viable on it's own, it's not "completely separate".
How did coors light get so high on the list.. that stuff is piss-water.
Ya, but how many of these were shell companies that just funneled the money to they parent company? Then the "Green" shell company fails and the oil giant can say "look.. see.. green energy is viable".
I've always felt that while ascetically pleasing, the iMac is horribly designed for work. All the ports are in the back, which makes swapping USB devices or headphones a pain in the @ss.
But the possibility is still there. A substance with a constantly fluctuating magnetic field (at room temperature) would be a significant breakthrough and useful in so many fields.
Steve took a 1$ salary, but was still making a good chunk of change off of his stocks, etc. If the company makes more money, he made more money. Salary (aside from bonuses) is usually fixed, dividends and stocks are not. Apple does what's best for Apple. If it's in Apple's best interest to provide you with a product…
Gotta love that 'screening process' and the 'perfectly secure ecosystem'.
How much.. I want one.
Wait.. can this fluctuating field affect other stable magnets?
Apple does what's best for their bank account. If anyone is surprised by this, you're way too far into the ARDF.
It's the same story all the time. "The new stuff isn't as good as the old stuff".