I just bought a u1 with a 7" IPS 1280x800 screen for $150.

It wouldn't surprise me for two reasons.

It's also kinda funny that the Romney family owns the voting machines...

You call that an apology?

I know of a few. They claim people who buy Apple are savvy and those who buy Android are cheap. Oh, and they will never admit that it's possible that the only reason some people bought the iProducts was because they were the "in" device.

I'm not sure I get you.

And there are people who still insist that all apple buyers are savvy and no one buys apple products just because they are "cool"

Yes, it's a dumb idea until we release our new iPad Pro next year with our revolutionary new hybrid iOS/OSX operating system.

The reality distortion field is strong in this one..

So.. saying; 'the court says we're wrong, but we say we're right'


That's because the second gen iPad Mini with "retina" (god I hate that word) display and A5x cpu will be out in 6 months.

I wanted this to be funny, but sadly, it wasn't.

Hmmm.. I wonder why Apple doesn't go and sue the pants of these true clone makers instead of Samsung...

I really don't get this article. YOu write about how Apple is now playing catch-up, but the rest of the article seems like pure Apple fellatio.

On this I totally agree.

Just goes to show, some people have more money than brains.

Ya, I doubt the performance they are toting and frankly, I think they bumped the processor cause the retina display was making the old cpu pull overtime and get really hot.
