@Brian Crecente: Makes perfect sense. It seems to be inundated into so many areas. At least you have put the items to good use. Hopefully I will be able to head over to the next charity auction you have. My wife is from Idaho Springs, so I might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Keep up the great work.

@Brian Crecente: Fair enough Brian. Thanks for the reply. Do you think it is an issue through out your field? I know movie reviewers go through the same thing with studios bombarding them with gifts close to Oscar time or before they review a movie. It would nice to get your thoughts on it.

@Tyki: The point is that it is promotional. They are made to sway an opinion and stand out from the competition. Let the games/hardware stand on their own is all I'm saying.

I am a bit new to commenting on this site, so bare with me. I would like the staff of Kotaku to refuse any gifts from publishers and the big 3. That may be a big thing to ask. Almost all, if not all, of the big game sites recieve things and I think it would be refreshing if Kotaku took the initiative and stopped

@resvrgam: Did everyone in the audience get free 360's? Surely that has had some influence.

250kp-Sony unveils a new PSP this one with two thumbsticks. (1000:1)

@Falkun: The PS3 manual shows you how to change the battery.