
Ha ha, I was just fuckin' with ya, man! You're right. A lot of message gets lost without facial expressions and that kind of stuff. Be cool.

George, your ability to detect sarcasm has been found wanting. I was defending chupa's right to not care. Either you didn't read my entire comment, you're just quick to lash out at folks because you lack the necessary personal fortitude to stand up for yourself in real life, or maybe you're just not that smart. But

Praise Jesus!

It's not for me, but why the hell are we still using the force of the government to tell people who and how to love?


I might understand where chupa is coming from (though I hate to presume, so I'll just play Devil's advocate). He/She probably favors a certain genre or wishes Hollywood would work on something original or on any one of a zillion potentially amazing adaptations out there instead of retreading old ground. I imagine

Thank you. I had this discussion with someone recently. I asked why we scoff and refer to Germanic or Greco-Roman or Celtic religions as mythology, but all of the outlandish shit that happens in the bible is called religion. Neither of us cold come up with an adequate answer.

Shit, I never would have thought about it that way. Interesting points all around.

I'm with you. I wish the dumbass producers had let Milius make his trilogy of films. Woe unto them. WOE UNTO THEM!

Exactly. Remember that Christopher Dorner manhunt from about a year ago and how the police were opening fire on vehicles that marginally resembled his truck? Cases like that one scare the bejesus out of me.

1. Taxpayers end up paying for it twice. Once for the feds to use it and then again for their local police orgs to purchase it from the feds.

2. There are examples of wrongful shootings and police brutality that occur in this country on a daily basis. I think it's reasonable to worry (especially when coupled with the

I trust the science and research, but there is a tree that overhangs my driveway that is full of bees. One kept trying to land on my son about a week ago (he's 19, not a little kid), and I wouldn't let him kill it. I figured, if they're thriving in my neighborhood, it's best not to disturb the harmony. :)

Yeah, another person made the same point. Critics and other sources often include it within S & S, but it also fits into the sub-genre Sword and Sorcery.

But, no, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you that Gladiator is the best S & S film in a LONG time. It's just hard for me to choose between those two. I love

If you look around a bit, you will find Conan the Barbarian listed among the best Sword and Sandals flicks, and film critics refer to the film as S & S again and again. Critics are typically the ones who coin genre terms, and they are often not very well defined with one category bleeding into another.

Which? Gladiator or Conan?

Well, I can accept that. Thanks for the chat. Have a good day!

I LOVED Gladiator, but I would have to argue that Milius' Conan the Barbarian is easily as good (perhaps better) a Sword and Sandal flick as Gladiator.

Man, that was some seriously interesting shit you just laid on us. Cheers!

Yeah, he's had some stinkers, but I don't think I would put him in the corner with George Lucas quite yet.